[quote=@Fionraella] Sacha snorts as he cuts in front of her. She raises an eyebrow. "Thick-skinned?" She shakes her head. "Right." she rolls her eyes. "Fine then Jett. How about you explain it to me." She sneers. "Simple terms of course, because I may still not understand." She crosses her arms. He was so frsutrating at times! [/quote] Jett gritted his teeth and ignored her prodding. He took her offer seriously, and attempted to bring himself back to two years ago. "You've got one of the bravest hearts out of anyone I've ever met, and so I understand the way you always try to protect the Rabins... even if it means putting yourself at risk," he began, his speaking slow and broken up as he tried to find the right words. "But as valiant as you probably thought you were, you were also pretty damn selfish," he stated matter-of-factly.