[h1][center][color=cyan]Ace Walker[/color][/center][/h1] [center][h2][color=cyan]Estoria City ---> Route 17[/color][/h2][/center] [center][hider= Current Team] [img]http://graphics.tppcrpg.net/xy/shiny/570F.gif[/img] [color=cyan]Zorua[/color] [/hider][/center] [@Whimsicott] Rolf simply stared at Ace, seemingly petrified from the whole ordeal that had happened before him. He tossed the bag back at Ace, causing Zorua to jump out in a panic - even though Ace was able to catch it. Before he had time to react however, Rolf had taken a hard swing into Ace’s jaw, sending him spiraling to the ground. Zorua became alarmed as his trainer hit the dirt path, lightly scratching and nuzzling Ace’s arm before using Pursuit on Rolf - earning a yelp from Rolf as the Zorua growled deeply at him. [color=Cyan]“Zorua, calm yourself.”[/color] Ace picked up the pooch in one swoop, sitting up to cradle the agitated Pokemon in his arms - petting his stomach in attempts to appease the Pokemon. [color=Cyan]“I get it, you’re mad.”[/color] Unsmiling, Rolf furrowed his brows down at Ace, "Listen, I appreciate you footing the bill. Really. Wouldn't mind traveling with you. Don't know the region very well, don't even care what your story is. Murder? Grand theft? Whatever." Rolf leaned in closer to Ace, "But let me tell you somethin'. Take anything that's mine again, or force me to hide when I could do somethin', like you did just now, and I'm out. Don't care if you wanna squeal, you don't even know my name - and you're not gettin' it." Surprisingly, Rolf then offered his hand for him to take. [color=Cyan]“Steal from you?”[/color] Ace chuckled, taking Rolf’s hand to stand on his feet. [color=Cyan]“Trust me, if you had anything worth stealing don’t you think I would’ve done it by now? You got that Buizel at a free event, I doubt you’re worth anything.”[/color] He smirked, turning away from Rolf and Pinwheel to face the vastness of Route 17. [color=Cyan]“Oh, and I wouldn’t worry about getting caught, I never have been and plan to keep it that way.”[/color] "-Let's get going. I want out of this place." Rolf seemed a bit uneasy while he pat his Buizels head. [color=Cyan]“Nervous they might come back? C’mon, the entrance to Route 17 is this way - we are gonna have to cut off the main path and around the outskirts of Estoria if we want to make it to Route 2 which will take us to Dune Town. Let’s try not to stay in one place too long, alright hotshot?”[/color] Without saying another word, Zorua transformed back into Eevee and was placed back inside Ace’s bag. Rolf had said that there Route 17 was the only path not blocked off, probably since it only lead to some old ruins haunted by ghost Pokemon - which made Ace feel a bit tense at the thought, but it had to be done. The two made their way toward the crumbled and eerie ruins just a short distance ahead, scanning the path ahead to stay one step ahead of the unpredictable journey ahead.