[center][h1][color=007236] Ian Kendrickson[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=007236] Estoria City Pokemart[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr] Ian nodded and placed his items back into the backpack. He thought back to Rylen's questions from a moment ago. Given the first question, he realized he didn't make it clear exactly who he was responding to with the last question. [color=orange]"So why don't you think it'd be awesome? And what Pokemon is in the egg?... And why are you unpacking all your stuff here?"[/color] Ian had to ponder for a moment on how to answer the first one. Finally he decided exactly what he wanted to say. [color=007236]"Meant I didn't get it from a daycare"[/color] He pointed to the dark blue egg. [color=007236]"It's a Sneasel, and I wanted to contribute."[/color] He knew it was a bit of a mouthful for him, but he didn't know how else to explain. He finally zipped the backpack back up and placed it back on his back. He nodded to the other two to make it clear he was ready to go. A picnic certainly didn't seem like a bad idea.