[h1]Mars[/h1] [color=Gold]"Hey now, I'm not saying you did anything wrong, it's just that . . . ugh, I'm terrible at this kind of stuff."[/color] Mars ran a hand through his hair, taking a breath to gather his thoughts. he obviously had frightened the poor thing with how direct he'd been. He just had to ease up, maybe stop insinuating that she was doing something wrong. She was just born a fe moments ago to a rather strange situation, so she's obviously confused, and him coming in out of nowhere wouldn't help anybody. [color=Gold]"Okay, so to answer your question, humans are . . . like us, yet not like us. We Gems are made in the ground and pop out fully formed, while humans have to do . . . stuff in order to be born from other humans. Humans are pretty cool once you get to know the good ones, but one thing you have o keep in mind is that, as a gem, you can be a bit dangerous to them. We're stronger then they are, and thus, we could easily hurt them without really meaning too."[/color] [color=Gold]"Now, that being said, I don't think you mean anyone here any harm. I can understand why you'd want to come down here, considering how everything seemed to be blowing up and getting crazy. However, I can't just leave you here unsupervised, for your safety as much as the humans. So, either I stay here and we can keep talking for a bit or we can take a nice walk over to where my partner is. Oh, and if you don't mind telling, what is your name?"[/color] [@Veiled Angel]