[center][h3][color=0072bc]- Alexander Furst : A Plan Gone Perfectly Wrong -[/color][/h3] As Henry heard the command, he nervously peeked behind his hand to see a slew of swirls entrenched in blue beings. The Gastly could only look at them all, but felt he had to have some trust in this new friend of his. Closing his eyes, he prepared to use Hypnosis... if not for the sudden, creeping feeling before being jolted imminently. It caused him to rotate, catching a glimpse of his assailant. Flinching wouldn't even began to describe his first reaction as it just stared, watery eyed with its own mouth agape at the whole situation, leaving Alex helpless to the barrage that was about to transpire. As Alexander stood there, gazing upon the looming threat, he kept himself relaxed for the remainder as he awaited for Henry to attack. He was unmoving, stalwartly waiting in place as if he was a mountain. Since mountains are technically ground, this next attack would probably be super effective. Alex watched as the multitudes of them began to near him, some with an even greater amount of menace than before. He was getting pretty antsy over this whole conundrum, so he decided to alert the small orb, just in case he had any lingering doubts. [color=0072bc]"Henry, I understand if you're nervous, you just have to trust-"[/color] Alex did not account for the fact that Khata was looming over, denying any potency of the Hypnosis. Looking up, he saw the terrifying visage and that Henry was undeniably paralyzed. [color=0072bc]"Henry,"[/color] he shouted out, his eyes widening in worry versus shock and anger. Of course, this probably caused the Poliwags to be more agitated by his actions. One by one they began hopping up to get a full frontal attack on Alex. He only managed to barely tilt his head back before getting squirted in the face and blasted in the chest by a bunch of pissed off pokemon. It stung like hell on his face, but his chest? It probably would of just hurt as much as his face, but it felt like someone just hit him in an area critical to his health with a stack of bricks. This exertion managed to knock both parties back, sending Alex sliding backwards before tumbling over onto his sorry ass. Wincing in pain, he rubbed part of his neck which felt tender and glowed a bright red. [color=0072bc]"Grr, Lynnette,"[/color] he growled through the slits of his teeth, but not before watching the Poliwags hustle at him once more before attempting the same attack. He was able to see it coming... as well as Henry zooming away from Khata, crying a little. ... god damnit.[/center]