"[color=fff79a]I... I don't think I'm who you think I am. I'm not dangerous. I can't hurt humans. I don't fight, let alone know how to. I... No offense, I just need to be alone. I'm sorry if I cause any sort of problem or trouble.[/color]" As she says this, she starts to walk away quickly, making her way down the street blocking out all nearby noises ,exempt for the ones she wants ,focusing on the nice ones that she dreamed of before awaking to this strange place and finding herself in front of this thing called a diner? "[color=fff79a]How quaint?[/color]" she thought to herself, feeling a need to just get her bearings before anyone threw anymore information at her, so she walked in and sat down in the back coving her eyes to remind her of why she came out. [@Raijinslayer]