[center][color=ec008c]Hotaru/Estonia Pokemart[/color][/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [center][@Heckno12][/center] [hider=Hotaru's Team] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/092.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] PokeWallet: Empty 5 Pokeballs 5 Potions [/hider] Today was actually going very well. She had Zed registered with her as her first Pokemon. Now she had two new friends Rylen and Ian. With there supplies bought and gathered it was now time to go our and explore the vast wilds of Fordis region. Discover new friends and Pokemon. Perhaps even see a few rare Pokemon. She would like nothing more then to see a Mew or even a Suicune. Ian said the egg was going to have a Sneasal in it. She was even more excited in watching it hatch. Sneasals were so cute and very awesome in her mind. They could be deadly against Pokemon like Zed. Now it was time to leave the dangers of the concrete jungle and out into the more dangerous but at least peaceful wilds.... Well at least until they go past the park. Then it would be peaceful. she kinda even looked forward to it actually. It would be fun and was hoping for all kinds of interesting Pokemon to meet. She wondered what Ian's goal was. She followed them out and off the went heading towards the gat that would bring them out to Route 2.