[quote=@SecretlyDiscord] Mr Allen J, I don't want to trouble you with a mention, as you expressed the sentiment of not posting on this thread any longer. However, my "rant" is still appropriate in my eyes. I was under the impression that I and DarkwolfX37 were interested in carrying out the original idea. I find it disrespectful to change someone's idea around in the first place, no matter how close you are to the creators. It is a fun challenge to write for someone else's idea. Your backhanded insult (yes I am speaking about the laziness) is not being blunt. It is an insult. If you did not want to participate, all you should have said was that you wouldn't have been continuing. I have no issue with bluntness, but the fact that you would take it further into name calling is entirely revealing of your character in my eyes. I was willing to be friends, or at least acquaintances, with you, as you can see from our previous discussions. When you suggested that I was lazy, I will admit, I got angry. I still consider it to be a considerable insult to my character. As for your characters, I know exactly where it came from within me, I just don't know what let it out. Please accept my apology for my insult to that. Jokingly, I will add, what is happening with their proportions tho? Sorry, that was also uncalled for. But woah man. I'm leaving my response at this, but feel free to PM if you would still like to discuss. Sincerely, Discord [/quote] Speaking of, have the others from the old thread been contacted yet?