[@Alisdragon911] She would nod at the barmaid for leaving the bottle sipping her drink happily. She had nothing better to do. Not to mention she had the coinage to pay for the liqour she has had and will have. The obnoxious talk from the small fairy boy fading intowhite noise as she start to focus on other conversations. Her mind focusing on the conversation the barmaid was having with the strange looking man she assumed was human due to his structure. Though it was a few days, she thinks, ago her mind went back to the soilder she met. How he while structured well like a man was nothing but one. Something different. Exciting. Off topic she missed most of he conversation. A lady walked into where she assumed the kitchen was with a stack of plates that was higher than her bill length. It wasn't the worst she had seen someone carrying. Catching the last bit of the two from earilers conversation they mentioned two men. Neither feature the description of the soldier, but she imprinted the names with descriptions in her mind. Finishing down her thing of alcohol. She realized a hangover with more alcohol probably wasn't the best of ideas but poored herself another glass. Woozily staring at the stairs.