Mai just stared into space after her crash landing back onto the ground. Thankfully, she had landed on a road inbetween buildings so collateral was minimum on her part. The damage to herself, however, was a completely different story. Her framework's legs broken, wings damaged, a greenish fire creeping up her framework from the legs and her sync rate now down from sixty-two percent to fifty-six percent. Needless to say, the phrase that she once heard "Your screwed" applied here. While she still had her main thruster, her broken framework legs prevented much self-righting. "...Neo Angel status update. Framework damage extensive. Greenish fire slowly enveloping framework. Damage to mid-section, legs and wings extensive. Sync rate down to fifty-six perfect...", Mai droned on the open line. Mai knew things were dire for her but she didn't let it affect her. Again, her training...from the days on her first division...the other "numbers"...the hell they were taught about what exactly happens when a fight with the Cruxi erupts...the fact that the seven of them were ready and accepted the responsibility of being soldiers and pilots... Then...something happened to Mai...something that she thought would never happened to her. [i]...I'm angry...I'm actually...angry...[/i], Mai thought to herself. Even during her time in this division, she had several times spoken to Lorenzo and Ritsu on several occassions about herself in private. The goal was to help her speak her mind about herself a bit more with her superiors as well as expressing herself. One of the topic's was about the first division she was trained in before it was disbanded. Despite the seven of them doing exceptional work and even coming back alive, it did anger her that the "training method's" were inhumane to the point of higher ups disbanding the framework division. Even more so considering the focus on "cloning" similar to Sigma and Iota could be deemed in the same light but never has. Despite the responses she was given from both Lorenzo and Ritsu, it was never good enough for her. Very deep down inside her...the "human" side of her she always kept buried and locked still ate at her. Then it started rearing it's ugly head when her framework, Setsuka, was taken from her by orders from the top brass and then assigned the Neo Angel despite her sync rate in the Setsuka being over eighty percent. Then finding out it was given to an inexperience "clone" pilot who didn't even have the knowledge or "self-awareness" to harness it's T System and then sent to die in a live training exercise. Then...the transfer's from division to was almost as if...she was being told the following: "Sorry 'Seven'...but we perfer 'quantity' over 'quality'. Your not needed." That's when Mai made a decision right then and there. Somehow, despite the pain shooting though her own body in her legs, her gut and her shoulders from the damaged wings, Mai actuaully made the Neo Angel stand upright. As stated before, it no longer looked liked an angel covered in the gore of Cruxi. If anything, it was starting to look like a fallen or demonic angel now with the greenish fire creeping up from the bottom. Then, "Seven" spoke into the open comm link. "Attention. This is Seven. Damage too extensive...commencing final order on Cruxi Squad...Code: Ash to Ash. All frendly forces in current area, evac immedately." [url][/url] That's when Seven grabbed what looked like a detonator attached by a wire to the framework system itself in a hidden compartment. Then, on the open line, the PDF forces heard this. "Wait what? What's that mean?", one soldier said. "Idiot! That's code for self-detonate!", another said in a fit of rage. Seven then prepared to activate her main thruster to perhaps lanuch herself over the nearby buildings and drop right in the middle of the three just south of her position. But before she could do so...