[@Alisdragon911] [@gohKamikaze] Carver overheard the detective asking the bar maiden some questions about the place, and he slinked over, as much as he could slink in his drunk and hungover state, to listen. He didn't notice the chair his knee suddenly knocked out of the way. He saw a man supporting a blue pixie who seemed very drunk, talking to the girl who had finished reading over food. He sat down in the table closest to where the detective and the bar maiden were talking, and pretended to be minding his own business while eavesdropping. [i][color=c4df9b]She's only been working for a day? Wow, she seems to know the place well.[/color][/i] He strained to listen over the racket from the hammered pixie. From the bar maiden's minimalist description of "a rich looking guy in a fancy suit," Carver pictured the owner, Dorian, as a clean-shaven man with sharp features and slicked-back salt-and-pepper hair, standing tall in a shiny purple suit. He imagined the bar maiden's boss, Clay, as a large man donning a buzz cut, with broad shoulders supporting large muscles under a black T-shirt. [i][color=c4df9b]How does she know all this stuff?[/color][/i] He curiously listened for more information.