[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/egj9vOH.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/96eCK9w.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] She saw it in his eyes. Katherine's mutant ability of persuasion had worked. Loki-cat had stopped struggling against those whom held him down. Once again he had begun to relax. And, in that moment Kat smiled with some pride in herself for aiding in the situation. But, that moment unfortunately was fleeting. The sickening sounds that were becoming familiar to her ears signaled that Loki was once again transforming. Yet, this time something went wrong. Once again it appeared he was struggling as his body popped and shifted. For some reason Loki couldn't morph back into his human self. Instead he got stuck between panther and human. It was if his human form and panther form were simultaneously jammed into one space and were forced to fight for dominance. What resulted was not a feline-human hybrid, but a deformed mongrel monstrosity. If Katherine had actually ate a full breakfast before this initial class meeting she surely would have lost it by now after witnessing this horrific sight. When he finally reverted back to his big cat shape Katherine was relieved that Loki's trauma seemed to finally be over. She gasped as blood shot from the feline's mouth. Her brown eyes welled with tears as Loki-cat fell into unconsciousness before her and the others who remained within the underground lounge. As the tears started to slide down her cheeks the professor lifted Loki-cat up and placed him upon the sofa. Kat stepped over over to the cat, placed a delicate hand upon his large head as she knelt beside the sleeping beast and stroked it gently. "[color=C71585]You poor thing.[/color]" [color=8793ca]"Thanks,"[/color] Taylor said to her as he sat clutching his chest, [color=8793ca]"If you didn't step in at that point, I'd be torn apart."[/color] Kat turned her head and gave the boy a smile. Wiping away her tears, she slowly stood. "[color=C71585]We should get you to the infirmary[/color]," Katherine said softly.