[right][img]http://i.imgur.com/0899SnE.jpg[/img][/right] The most startling thing about the whole situation, was that the fire lady didn't actually seem that phased by the whole previously-being-on-fire thing. Her first impulse was apparently to refuse help after it had already been rendered. Iris wasn't sure what she should have expected, but she wasn't really prepared for what she got. She'd expecting crying, or maybe some thanks, but instead the woman hid her hands as if she were afraid that Iris would make another dive at them with her coat, and told her to go away. [color=7f79c1]"Well gee, you're welcome!"[/color] she said, stepping down from the footstep and inspecting her jacket in the incandescent light of the apartment complex's street lamp. It seemed to have suffered no real damage from the ordeal, causing Iris to merely huff, rather than lash out in anger. Had she ruined her coat for an ungrateful girl, she woulda been... mad. And then she heard a recognizable voice, and turned to see Claire. She put on her jacket against the sudden cold, and then remembered what she was here for when Claire asked about it. [color=7f79c1]"This moron tried to run me over!"[/color] she remembered. She turned to the truck and yelled into the smashed window [color=7f79c1]"Watch where you're driving, you drunk! You almost killed me!"[/color] She turned away again, almost ready to go back to her business, until she caught sight of Claire's outfit, and it didn't really jive with the weather. [color=7f79c1]"Dang it, put on some clothes, Claire. You're on shift tomorrow morning, and if you catch a cold, that'll be your own fault!"[/color] [@DFA][@Kiroue]