[@Lugubrious][@Oblivion666][@Caits] [color=ed1c24][b]ENMA[/b][/color] The oni just laid on his back, looking up at Ike with a deadpanned expression on his face. [color=ed1c24]"You may have dropped me, but that doesn't changed the fact that you have a stick up your ass."[/color] He hopped from his back up to his feet, brushing the dust off himself. Normally he would've been pissed at something so stupid, but he wasn't. Something was wrong, he could feel this sense of dread creeping down his spine. [color=ed1c24]"Gabriel, Mercury. Do you feel that? There's something going on. We need to hurry."[/color] Perhaps it was because he was a yokai he could feel a great disturbance in nature, but that hardly mattered now. He could sense an impending doom. The oni grabbed the rope and begun to climb up to Ike. He was climbing as fast as he could with an urgency that was unheard of from this man. The normally carefree oni was afraid that something horrible was going on and they needed to get back to their base. [@Caits] [b][color=00aeef]FERRIS[/color][/b] [color=00aeef]"God, this stench is tenacious."[/color] He kept scrubbing his body in the shower, annoyed at how much effort it's taking to get the smell off. Ferris sighed and leaned back against the shower wall. Did he really tell her that he loved her? Where in the world did that come from? Was it just the heat of the moment? While lost in thought, the temperature of the water went from a pleasant toasty warm to a cruel, icy cold that broke him out of the moment. [color=00aeef]"Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!"[/color] Later, Ferris was out of his shower and dressed in blue jeans and a black sweater that was obviously a size too big, but very comfortable. He crashed on the bed and sighed, feeling like he could use the rest of the day to rest his weary bones. Ferris noticed however that there was a piece of paper on the bedside and he reached over to grab it. His face flushed red and he placed the piece of paper quickly on the nightstand. She loved him? She actually loved him? Hell he didn't even read the rest of the note and just laid there letting it sink in. He chuckled and then laughed, thinking how cute she was for being so open with her feelings. Jessie may be a strong woman, but damn she was adorable. [@Expolar][@Lmpkio] [color=00746b][b]NOLAN[/b][/color] Nolan was about to fly away on his cloud of ashes, away from the this stupid drunkard. Never had he felt so humiliated in all his life! To be called weak after all of his training, all of his efforts only to be dismissed so easily! At least that damn hag had subdued him and was going to throw him in some cell deep within the prisons of Crocus. Knowing that gave him some satisfaction, well, at least until the old bastard copped a feel of Saya's butt and sent her reeling on her back. [color=00746b]"Hag!"[/color] Nolan was only paying attention to Saya being blasted to the ground since he had expected only Frye to deal with them. Oh how wrong he was. Within the span of a few seconds, the guards that had surrounded him were all laying on the ground bleeding out to death and then the citizens that he had gathered were all trapped in a ball of earth hovering in the air. God dammit, the citizens trapped in that spehere were Frye's insurance. [color=00746b]"You miserabel piece of-"[/color] Nolan was silenced by the preposterous amount of magic power that Fyre had. It dwarfed his own many times over, there was no way that this was for real. The God Slayer was feeling something inside him that he hadn't felt in a long, long time: fear. The brave, stoic mage was afraid of this man's power. Sweat ran down his head as he felt like he was in the presence of a titan rather than a human. Fyre's power loomed over Nolan, eclisped him as if the sun had swallowed the moon. He was going to die here. He didn't notice, but his entire body was shaking like a leaf in the wind. There were many powerful mages that he had faced in the past, but none had instilled this primal fear that Frye could bring. For those that would believe him to be cowardly, they would forget one simple thing about Nolan; he's still a kid. As mature as he tried to act and as powerful he himself was, he was still a kid who had only ventured out into the big, wide world after his home was destroyed, wanderingly aimlessly with a vague sense of purpose in life. He was just a kid, a scared kid wandering in a cruel world. Nolan didnt notice Saya nodding to him; his fear had a tight grip on him. This was looking bad for the Council member; the guards were laying out on the ground, bleeding to death while the citizens of Crocus were trapped within a massive sphere of earth hovering in the air. To top it all of, she would have to face a mage whose power dwarfed her own. This situation couldn't get worse.