[center][h1][color=saddlebrown]Micky[/color][/h1][/center][center][h3][color=white]Location: Lab Sanctuary[/color][/h3][/center][center][hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/poliwag.gif[/img] [color=lightskyblue]Poliwag[/color] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=gear]1,250p 5xPokeballs Map Pokedex 2xPotions[/hider][/center] Micky ran as fast as he could. The poliwag army didn't seem to want to give up. As he got closer to the two he noticed one getting ready to fight. Seeing the fire in the other guys eyes caused Micky to want to fight instead of running. He decided he would turn just as he passed the two in order to not interfere with what they were going to do. However, when he was just passing them he felt his foot hit something and he fell screaming, [color=saddlebrown]"NOT AGAIN!"[/color] He quickly threw his hands over his head preparing for the onslaught from the poliwags, but it didn't come. He quickly got up and turned seeing the poliwags had turned their attention to the boy and the girl was off to the side. The two ghost Pokemon seemed to be fighting each other. Then he saw the other boy getting knocked down by the poliwags. Micky quickly darted over and started attempting to swat away the poliwags but to no avail. Soon the poliwags started to beat down on both of the boys. Micky thought to himself, [i][color=saddlebrown]*Is this how it ends. Before it even begins. By a mass of poliwags alongside another person that I roped into this horrible fate. Sorry everyone it seems this is the end.*[/color][/i] Then suddenly a bright flash of red came from the Pokeball he had put the poliwag he'd captured in. The recently captured poliwag popped out of the ball and delivered one long water gun to a good amount of the poliwags then proceeded to speak, "Poliwag poli po. Poliwag POLIWAG." Then the mass of attacking poliwags turned to the other one and all in unison said, "POLIWAG!" This process went back and forth a few times and Micky just sat there speechless. What was happening? It seemed as if his poliwag was giving a prebattle speech. Whatever was being said seemed to be going well for the Poliwags. Then Micky's Poliwag turned to the two teens and said poliwag one last time. The horde then proceeded to look at the two, and then walked away as if the war was over. [color=saddlebrown]"Uhh-What!"[/color] Micky was so confused. He had no idea what happened or why his poliwag was able to just get the others to leave. Maybe he had taken the poliwags leader and it'd convince them that fighting the humans was worthless---No that couldn't be it. Either way it was over. Micky slowly stood up already feeling sore over his whole body. Being wet from all the water guns didn't help either. He turned to the other guy [color=saddlebrown]"Sorry about all that. Thanks for the save though. Sorry you got attacked because of me. At least your girlfriend didn't get hurt."[/color] he said while having the biggest grin and extending his hand out to the boy not realizing how way off his statement was. [@Savo][@Rune_Alchemist]