The Imaginary District is something of an urban legend in Miura City. An unknown, isolated district, somehow split away from the world? An invisible and untouchable place where humans and youkai coexist? Naturally, it's impossible for the average person to accept the existence of such an absurd place. Who could possibly believe in a location where magic and mythology are real? There are others who know better. The Imaginary District is real. A place where humans freely show extraordinary abilities. Where youkai walk the streets. Where strange, supernatural occurrences happen every day. Where the uncommon is commonplace. The rest of the world hides these facts away, but within the Imaginary District, beyond the boundary, there are no such systems. The barrier shuts most people from entering or leaving, though those with supernatural abilities can pierce it. Signals, such as those for television or radio, can also penetrate the barrier. It's through these means that the Imaginary District receives supplies it would not be able to otherwise from the outside world. It is also through these means that Youkai Hunters, or others who would seek less savory courses of action, enter the Imaginary District. It's only natural that there must be some method of defending the Imaginary District, both from within and without. The Police department is staffed with those who wield supernatural powers in order to protect the Imaginary District. A recent invention, however, is the Miura Youth Organization. Composed of young people, both human and (whatever constitutes for young)youkai, it is a force intended to get younger residents involved with defending the Imaginary District, as a way to get them using their abilities for good purposes. The founder of the Miura Youth Organization, Aoyama Makiko, is only a teenager herself. But supplies and people aware of the supernatural aren't the only people who slip through the barrier at times. Every once in a while, there's an accident... [hr] You're on your way home. Suddenly, everything goes dark. And then light. The world around you twists inwards, and you fall. You open your eyes to find yourself in the very place you were walking moments ago. But something seems... different. Someone approaches you, and as you look up, you see they have cat ears. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! [hr] So, um, I like to run two RPs at once... and this is an urban fantasy RP! It's set in my own personal setting, but a bit different then previous attempts. Set in Miura's Imaginary District, there is no masquerade within the barrier. Players will take up the rolls of members of the Miura Youth Organization, a single newcomer, or any other potential character type they can think of that'd work out. I'd like if you talked to me about other options, first, though. As for the newcomer, only one allowed and they have to be human, someone who slipped through the barrier by accident into a world of youkai and magic. [hr] I'm going to be less strict on playable character types in this RP then in others in the same setting. There's two main categories: Youkai and humans. Youkai must be sufficiently human-like, and humans must have some sort of supernatural ability. This can be mage techniques, onmyodo, or an isolated magic trait born from having a magical background but no formal training. Or even an item of some sort. [url=]Here[/url] is my urban fantasy universe bible for more information. [hr] Bios: [list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u][/list]