Tai was amusing as she told him how people thought she was a witch. It was a shame people thought the wrong things about those in the Goth culture. She had a hobby, it was not a common one as far as he was aware but she liked doing it. Max found Tai very fun and clever to do what she does. Reciting poems in another language and adding a name to it and in English was rather creative. The young man soon spotted someone who was staring over at her. He had just caught the sight of someone looking over in the corner of his eye and though he could not make them out well he knew someone was looking over. However, they looked away as quickly as they began to stare. The new student then began to rub the back of his head for a moment. "Sounds like fun, when will you curse me?" he said as a joke though some curiosity was in his words. He paused as he looked at a few rocks that were laid out on the table. The Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and other rocks looked pretty but he was sure they were cheaply made or something of that nature since this was a school club. His eyes looked over the Rose Quartz seeing how pink it was, it was a nice pink too. He laughed a little as he thought about what she said making him curious about her. "So, I take it you were born in Finland I assume?" he asked her. He placed on hand on the table while he placed his elbow near the edge of the table where he began to rest his face. He used his hand to do so but the elbow was giving all the support. It seemed today was getting slightly better thanks to Tai, the young man watching her as she did her craft. His hazel eyes watching her ever movement though he gave her eye contact for the most part. It was funny how the first person who was nice to him was an interesting one. Good thing he decided to stay and look around or he would have missed a chance to meet someone as nice as Tai. His ink was seen since he was using his elbow to support the weight of his head. One of his tattoos was a skull with a cigar in his mouth. It also had a pair of shades on with words below it saying the house always wins. A few poker chips were seen to the sides of the skull and three cards were below the skull. One was the ace of spades, the other the queen of hearts and the last a seven of diamonds, each card covered each other as they went left to right. The ace of spades had the whole picture while the other two did not. That one was located just above his elbow, he had other tattoos as well.