Detailed and pleasant to view. I usually incorporate a variety of headings and formatting, including indents, light grey coloured text and bullet points. It allows the reader and GM to see what it is I am trying to convey, as well as the details that they want to check over. The white that is commonly used sometimes feels a bit bright against the background (Personal Opinion). As for the information I tend to give a fair amount and enjoy making a longer character sheet, but I'm not like some people that go to the n'th degree with details. I will tend to gloss over what I'm describing and let some of the details fill themselves out in either IC or people's imagination. [quote=@Mateotis] Overall, in my opinion, you can never go wrong with the basics: [b]Name: Age: Gender (if questionable) and/or species (if fantasy/sci-fi): Personality: Background/backstory:[/b] [/quote] As a starting point, these... but Personality is something I find doesn't get perfected til a couple post in when you get the feel of the character.