[center]Clara had only remained focused on Kieran ahead of her, her brows furrowed as he began to speak. It was unsettling, to say the least, that he'd made mention that someone had been in the room with him prior to their breaking in – just as unsettling as it was that someone, if not Kieran, had created the massacre that was just beneath them downstairs while each of them slept. To have someone in the mansion go undetected – even rooms down from her – made her feel more than uneasy. Not to mention, as she looked around the mess that surrounded them, it hardly seemed as if there had been anyone there in the first place. Yet, Kieran had given quite a few specifics to the person's description… She frowned as she listened to him, leaning back on her legs slightly, her frustration starting to show. It seemed as if he'd no idea of the bloodshed that had occurred over night and she wondered if all of the blood around the room had solely belonged to him. Clearly the man before her hadn't seemed to be the crazed Kieran that they'd come to known over the last week or so, but then again, she couldn't be so sure. "And you didn't see where he went?" She asked suddenly – despite the fact that it was obvious he was in pain. Clara needed answers, and if he was in his right mind at the moment, she wanted to get them as quick as possible. Her hands were balled into little fists in her lap despite the pain of the burns on her palms. "You have no idea what happened last night?" Clara continued – not heeding his warning to move away either. Perhaps her stubborn nature wasn't best suited for that moment, but she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity before it slipped by. "Half of the group is dead downstairs – do you have any clue what happened?" Her words were quick and heavy with her frustration, hoping she could get something out of him – clueless to the danger that lie just ahead of her as well. Although, she was fairly certain she could handle herself – Ryanair, she wasn't so sure about. [/center] [@Arista]