[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [@Heckno12] [@fer1323] [@AbysmalDemon] Sophia examined the bite mark on her hand. Nothing too bad, but she hadn't imagined training Pokemon would be this difficult. How did people discipline Pokemon, anyway? Gothita, when she wasn't ruining Sophia's tricks, was fairly well-behaved, but it seemed like training this Purrloin would be a different matter. She peered at the cloud-like Pokemon on Rheese's lap. [color=orchid]"Hmm... I've got to admit, that's cute. Not as cute as Purrloin, though,"[/color] she said. [color=orchid]"So you're having the same issue?"[/color] At least the way the Cottonee was sitting calmly on his lap at the moment didn't necessarily mean he was the better trainer. As Oscar entered the Pokecentre, Sophia's stomach clenched. Ok, so Rheese recognised her skill, but that wasn't enough. Oscar's dismissive attitude had chafed her, chafed badly. He was exactly the kind of person her family had been talking about when they'd warned about the general public's expectations. Some day, she'd show him her true potential. [color=orchid]"Well, if it isn't the old sage,"[/color] she grumbled. [color=orchid]"Hmph... Looks like everyone's got their second Pokemon."[/color] She watched him playing with his new Growlithe, hoping she hadn't been the last to catch a Pokemon. After finishing her water, which still only helped so much, she squinted up at the man with the Beldum. [color=orchid]"Did you get another Pokemon too?"[/color]