[hr] [center][color=Lime][h3]Ray Stylo[/h3][/color] [hider=Team/Items] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/riolu.gif[/img] [b][u]Muay[/u][/b] Level 5 [Prankster] (Foresight)(Quick Attack)(Endure)(Bullet Punch) [hr] [b]~Walet~[/b] [i]800₽[/i] [hr] 5x[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/ea64/f/2011/175/b/2/pokeball_free_icon_by_scratch_the_hedgie-d3jwgjs.gif[/img] 5x [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/2cbb/f/2016/196/e/b/potion_by_pizzareas-daa4bnz.png[/img] 1x [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/superpotion.png[/img] [/hider] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] [/center] Ray frowned slightly as he walked along the sidewalk next to Lucy. Route 7? All this excitement and eagerness to train and he wasn't sure where we wanted to go, or who he wanted to catch. His plan after leaving home had consisted of staying dedicated to catching fighting-type Pokemon in spite of his family. So, who were the lucky Fighting Pokemon that would join his team? Could he find them on Route 7? Ray's head was spinning, he had neglected to think this far ahead, the limelight of the finding ones first partner had blinded him. Muay, who had been content with following Ray silently, looked up at his trainer. [b]"Rio?"[/b] it called solemnly, sensing its trainers discontent. [color=Lime]"Its all good Muay, just thinking."[/color] he mumbled, glancing down at Muay. Pulling out his Pokedex, Ray decided his best choice was to use the Pokemon Database to search for his next teammate. With a few taps, Ray found himself with information on ever single fighting-type Pokemon know to man. Only a few managed to catch his eye. [color=Lime]"Meditite."[/color] Ray murmured in awe. That was his next target, the Meditate Pokémon. Just what he needed to cover his bases when it came to Fighting-types weakness to Psychic-types, and meditation was an important part of many martial arts. Tapping on the Meditite icon opened to a new page, which gave him just the information he needed, were to find them in the Fordis Region. [color=Lime]"Route 5."[/color] Ray huffed, turned in the routes general direction. It would be meditating in the mountains. He couldn't waste this opportunity to catch one this early, the page had also sported a fighting water-type who was supposedly difficult to catch. If he wanted to become a champion, to be the best martial Pokemon trainer their was, he needed both of these Pokemon on his team. Unfortunately, he kinda had some unwanted baggage in the traveling department. Ray took a side longed glance at Lucy. How would he convince her to take Route 5 instead of 7 for a bit? Walking into the Pokemart, Ray decided to discuss it later, and focus on buying all the items needed to fulfill his training regime. Unfortunately, the Pokemart was a dud. Ray walked along the ales, searching high and low for Fighting Type training items, or even better potions, but but there were outrageously priced. In the end, he settled for a Super Potion, just in case his first few attempts to catch Meditate failed, food that would last them a few days also was on his list. Leaving the Pokemart, his purchases stuffed into his backpack Ray turned to Lucy. [color=Lime]"Hey Lucy,[/color] he began, following the GPS on his Pokedex, that would lead him to his desired destination. [color=Lime]"I was wondering if we could hit Route 5 for a few hours...or days?"[/color] he admitted grinning at Lucy. [color=Lime]"There's a Pokemon I'm looking to catch there. Look, if you wanna hit Route 7, you can, we can separate and meet back later when we have accomplished our goals. Its all along the same path. How does that sound?."[/color] Ray blurted, formulating the idea on the spot. Having a girl around was all fine and dandy, but he wasn't sure of disposed she would be to his non stop training regime.