[center][h2][color=00aeef]Thor[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PzupDt5.png[/img][/center] Thor wasn't able to push Harper out of the cloud but instead Harper decided to do something else. She flung herself at the monster, Thor gasped for a moment when she avoided Thor's push and looked after her as she jumped at it. Thor bit her lip, this couldn't end well for the poor girl. Harper stabbed one of her shurikens into the monster its eyes which seemed to have a lot of result. Thor was happy for her that it worked but still didn't believed it was good for the girl her own safety. Just as said Harper was thrown at the ground. It didn't sound all too good, like a bunch of sticks being stepped upon. Thor looked in shock at the scene. The foot of the monster almost crushed her friend that was unable to move, luckily Ashlyn was fast enough to dismantle the creature blowing it too bits. Thor shook her head looking more serious now, she made her way over to harper shoving the giant foot of the helpless body as Ashlyn lifted her up in her arms. Thor scanned over Harper's body to find something sharp and noticed that she had a few shurikens on her at the moment. Thor quickly grabbed one of them and placed her left hand on the ground. Her eyes widened as she raised the shuriken up into the air and struck it down with impact into her own hand to concentrate rather than having these suicidal thoughts from the curse. She bowed down in pain and was quick to get the shuriken out again. In tears she bound her hand and threw the shuriken aside. That aside she terrifyingly looked at the half dead girl, she needed healing and fast. Ashlynn was on the case but probably hadn't realised Thor was able to heal a whole lot too. She could have closed the wounds without leaving a single scar but that didn't matter right now. It would be to slow to stop the bleeding in time, the only thing she could do now was make sure her ruptured organs would close a little. They would still need surgery after but it wouldn't cause a whole lot of damage on the insides of the girl. Thor sat across Ashlynn as she placed one of her hands on the back of Harper's neck and the other one on a few places of her upper body. She healed as much as she could before looking up scared, terrified at Ashlynn. She seemed to have her shit together at least a little. Ashlyn asked Thor to get Sander as quick as possible, Thor gave the girl a quick reassuring nod. Speed, that was one of her specialities. Thor stood up and felt the rain drip down onto her head and reached for it in pain. She flung the cloak hood over her head and wanted to sprint away but noticed Ashlyn. She was a fire magician immediately came to mind. She definitly looked worried but not only about the girl, also the weather. Thor looked down in pain for a moment but decided she needed it more. She walked to the back of Ashlyn and placed the cloak over her body and head. She then scanned around the area a little and noticed a nearby tree. She broke off one of the branches with her healthy hand and placed each hand on one end of the stick. Her hair turned light blue and started slowly levitating behind her. The stick became pitch black and suddenly broke out in flames in the middle. She bit her lip and made her way back towards Ashlyn. She placed the stick of fire close towards her and undid her scarf which she then threw onto the small fire. She liked the scarf and always wore it but that was unimportant. Hopefully she did enough for the girl now to make Harper last long enough for help. She gave the girl a small kind smile and then dashed off like lightning into the sky. The rain hurted her, each and every drip she could feel. Her hands were pitch black, burned from the heat created by herself. Soaring through the sky made her body shiver. The cold air, the rain it was all making the trip worse for her. Her cheeks reddened as her eyes started closing little by little. She started going less fast and the lighting around her seemed to dispers. Her light flickered lightly and eventually it just stopped. Her eyes closed for a moment. This was it, she was gonna fall, her mana pool was empty. She needed electricity, no she had to get to Sanders. Her body had traveled through the sky for a little bit but was about to hit ground. With full force she hit the top of a roof making her body loop more than a few times. Her lighting reactivated before she hit the ground, her eyes looked tiring as she gained altitude again. Just past the roofs she flew, her eyes scanning for Sanders. After a few more seconds her eyes focused on Sanders and friends. The rain didn't hurt her anymore, her face turned pale white as her hair fell onto her back again returning to her normal blonde color. She was able to adjust her flight but there wasn't gonna be a save landing. Her body fell to the ground, being either catched or tumbled over the ground she made her way over to Sanders. She slightly opened her eyes once more before to deliver the message with a peaceful smile on her face. [center][color=6ecff6]"Harper... in danger..."[/color][/center] She stretched out her arm towards a general direction where they would be and fell unconscious leaving the rest to Sanders.