[center][h1][color=007236] Ian Kendrickson[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=007236] Route 2[/color] [/h2][/center] [@Sho Minazuki][@EWillden] [hr] Ian followed Rylen and Hotaru, he really didn't have any reason not to have a picnic. In fact, it sounded pleasant. He knew he wasn't exactly one for conversation, but so far he was simply enjoying not being alone. Smiling blankly to himself, he pulled the egg out of his backpack again to inspect it. Just as he was about to put it back though, he noticed a hairline crack near the top. [color=007236]"...!"[/color] With a small exclamation, he pressed his face up against the glass of the incubator to inspect it. Sure enough, the crack was real and the egg was still moving pretty erratically. [color=007236]"Soon."[/color] he muttered excitedly. It wouldn't be long before he'd really have his first Pokemon. Sure, he could have just attempted to catch a pidgey or something while they were walking, but aside from not having a Pokemon to weaken one, he couldn't bring himself to [i]not[/i] have this Sneasel be his starting Pokemon. With another strong wobble, the tiny crack spread slightly.[color=007236] "Yes!"[/color] Ian exclaimed, granted with his quiet voice it probably wasn't much louder than most people's regular speaking voices.