[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] The moment her shot connected with beast holding Elora, Katya couldn't help but feel very pleased with herself especially as the beast that was holding Elora let go of her. However that feeling quickly faded as the other tentacle beast caught up with her grabbing hold of Caretaker before Katya had a chance to point her rife at it. Katya grunting as the beast grabbed hold of Caretaker it tentacles starting to wrap around limbs, setting of alarms. As the work became immobile, Caretaker lacking the raw strength to force its way free Katya instinctively activating 2 drones rigged to blow with 2 more in dismantle mode. However before the drones could deploy Elora attacked the beast from behind causing it to let go and seemingly stunned the beast, it letting go of Caretaker. Ordering Caretaker to take several steps back. Aiming Marker Light at the beast as she did. Firing the moment it was in her sights. Not bothering to aim knowing at this range she wouldn't have the time and doubted she could miss at point blank range. Firing as many time as she could until the beast recovered and attacked her or it died. Katya hoping she could kill this beast quickly glance at her map she could see Mai about to deal with Cruxi squad all on her own and from the update Mai had given she wasn't going to be able to hold them off on her own. [color=Fuchsia][i]"Hang in there comrade we're coming."[/i][/color] she thought as fired her rifle looking at the tentacle beast for a moment before stealing another glance at her map getting an idea to help Mai and hopefully Ariin. Even though it was an idea Katya wanted to think about it a little more, however she lack the time to think and plan like she had before. Now she has to make a snap choice one that could might end up saving one of her comrades or do nothing. Seeing her idea as better then nothing decided to run with her idea. [color=Fuchsia]"Ariin move to H4 and back Mai up, pound the CWMs back into the stone age. Then deal the last sniper."[/color] she said quickly finding it hard to issue orders and fight at the same time. Her brain going into overdrive as she tried to divide her attention to her map, any info on her squads status, what happening around her and across the battlefield, listening to her comm system and on top of that operating her building sized war machine, that needed more attention now due to her being in combat. It was proving to be very taxing as to top of all of that she still had to try and keep planing and thinking of orders for her squad in an effort to stay ahead of the Cruxi. At that moment she her respect for those in command sky rocketed, no wonder some officers where such arseholes. Stealing more glaces at her map, Katya watched as the CWMs Zero had been sent after faded of the map, wanting to waste no time she already knew what she wanted him to do next [color=Fuchsia]"Zero attack Cruxi in F2."[/color] she quickly stated watching the tentacle beast she was busy with. She just needed another moment to issue orders to Elora then she could for the moment focus on the fighting. [color=Fuchsia]"Elora scan the MIST. I want anything you can give me on it. Also go distract that last sniper. Someone will back you up when someone if free."[/color] Katya said dreading the idea of sending Elora to fight given what had just happened however against a sniper Katya was positive Elora was the best choice. So had to trust that this time she'd learn form her mistake and not get caught out again. It was then Katya heard Mai say how bad her werk was damaged and she was going to her werk to take out the squad. The news leaving Katya conflicted wanting to scream at her to stop or stay quite. Knowing she'd do the same in a heart beat if placed in the same situation she decided to remain silent. It however didn't make Katya like the choice Mai had made any better. [color=Fuchsia][i]"Crap! Dam it Mai! Why do you have go playing hero on my first command? I can't handle losing a comrade right now."[/i][/color] she thought hoping Ariin would have heard Mai's intent and pushed his werk to get into position faster or at least fired form his current location. Either way in her mind there was nothing more that could be done to help Mai, everyone else was out of range and she doubted even at full speed couldn't reach Mai in time. So it was all down to Ariin and his Paladin. Katya only hoped it would be enough besides that she had her own worries to deal with. Worries that were right in front of her, that may very well kill her. [hider=Movement and attacks] Caretaker remains put in H3 attacking tentacle in same square beast with Marker Light. Firing as many shot off as she can before the tentacle beast recovers and dose whatever. [/hider]