[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Blanche [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] ~1000; 11 when demons first came into being. [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Demon [*][hider=Appearance][img]http://safebooru.org//images/893/8cae106a18b82034bf930188973d3311b893b8d7.jpg[/img][/hider] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Age is supposed to bring wisdom. That is, at least, what common knowledge holds to be true; it doesn't apply to Blanche any more than it does most demons. She's good at executing her duties but fairly absent-minded when it comes to most things other than 'calm down an angry demon' and 'spot Saint's Tools before they stab you'. It takes real persistence for her to take any sort of conflict seriously, which makes it a good thing that she's friendly and tries to avoid arguments. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Blanche is an old and powerful demon, not on the level of the demon princes but within the closest approximation when it comes to resilience. Without bringing to bear a weapon blessed by a saint, it's a good bet that she'll be getting up from whatever you try... and then flinging you through a wall for the inconvenience. She also has two more abilities, one from the whole [I]reason[/I] she became a demon and the other from her method of dealing with trouble. The first is that Blanche can effortlessly adopt a more adult form, which she's grown out of using except when it's necessary to [I]look[/I] grown up. The second is rather more reflective of her personality: rapid but short-range teleportation. Whilst it's made things a lot easier for her, it has definitely forestalled any attempts at developing actual fighting [I]skill[/I]. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] After a thousand years, Blanche has become more or less the closest thing you can get to a perfect maid: she can cook, clean, repair things, help build, manage basic electronics and plumbing, garden, and handle animals. She's also a remarkably good singer and adept at working out when you're trying to overprice something. [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] She has no equipment in particular of her own, except the [I]second[/I] stuffed toy to be known as Mr. Bunny, but she does have access to a fancy house and funds on behalf of the Prince of Envy. Unnecessary spending is somewhat of a bad idea, given the owner. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] When Archangel Lucifer fell, Blanche was simply a travelling pedlar's daughter, trailing her father through France. Something about her was enough to be affected by the drastic changes that swept the world and, much to her surprise, Blanche turned into a demon. The sudden alteration to her hair and eye colour was more than enough to, reasonably, alarm him. Being dragged before the church was rather unpleasant and, displaying un-childlike strength, she broke free of her restraints and ran. It wasn't long before she met another demon in the area, one slightly younger than she was, and persisted in sticking around the generally grumpy girl. As persistent attempts to make friends go, it was a fairly good one: Blanche was stubbornly following someone who would later turn out to be one of the Princes of Hell. At the time, the girl simply seemed like an unusually strong demon and they had all reason to stick together against a very hostile world. The Prince would later go on to acquire huge wealth and an enormous fancy house, so Blanche offered to help clean the place up--eventually growing into the role of nominal head maid whilst still having a close enough connection to the more powerful demon to not become just another employee. With such an avaricious friend, Blanche decided to be proactive when one of her residences became possibly at risk of sudden youth vandalism. Besides, it's as good an excuse as any for looking to buy a present to celebrate a thousand years of friendship. They might even have suggestions the Prince hasn't yet realised exist.[/list]