[color=fff200]"I suppose that I would like to aid my fellow gems in the aquirement of new worlds."[/color] Sphene replied after a moment of thought. [color=fff200]"It may be my job, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited to do it. As for when I am not needed, I'll just have to wait and see what's out there to discover."[/color] She watched Chromite retrieve the stranded gem with relief that he was safe on the ground, though she hadn't really expected him to be damaged. Well, any more so. She felt that it was unkind of her to make assumptions, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with the other new gems. One hadn't uttered a single sound so far, and the other seemed to struggle with vocalizing. That, and the fact that they both seemed so rough around the edges behaviorally had her concerned. Pulled out of her thoughts by Bloodstone's request-or was it an order?- Sphene gave a quick nod of understanding and fell in place behind him. She didn't have any questions for now, so she instead went to work testing her function by quietly humming scales under her breath and trying to mentally assemble strategies for the various aspects of planetary assimilation. [@Kronshi] [@rocketrobie2] [@Vocab] [@Spinna]