[center][h3][color=#FF7F00]Paper Moon[/color] & [color=#E52B50]Strawberry Baby[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lV5k7n7.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/3EiVQN0.png[/img] [hider=BGM][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK9Y1EqjDpY[/youtube][/hider][/center] Strawberry Baby traced Dark Wraith’s arc as the second in command of her guild leaped high into the sky. She mentally saluted the girl for her steadfast temperament, aaaaand maybe due to the fact that she wasn’t heavily fond of the orange haired boy, who was currently glancing between Drauni and Regality in utter confusion. [color=#DC143C]”With pleasure, ma’am.”[/color] The Healer brought her head back down to level and spun herself around, digging the pivot of her into asphalt to face the assortment of boys and a lone girl who she was sure to write a fanfic about tonight. Ah, yes, Ken was going to spellcheck the living shit out of that piece of work. [color=#DC143C]”I like her! She’s my kind of person. Perfect for dealing with people~!”[/color] The redhead cheered in a more giddy tone than usual, which only perturbed Paper Moon that much more. The boy only made a weak whimper in response to the words laced with cheer and a lethal dosage of anthrax. [color=#FF7F00]”W-was it something I said? Jeez, I didn’t call her fat, did I?”[/color] Strawberry Baby practically bellowed at the player, much like the time she had found out that there was barely any delineation between his IRL and IG appearance. She enjoyed watching the Rogue stumble around like a chicken with its head cut off. [color=#DC143C]”No, no,”[/color] The girl gently placed her hand on his shoulder, so lightly that he barely even felt the palm’s presence, [color=#DC143C]”It’s just like she said, young sprout. You simply talk too much. You have to be succinct, concise, you must make a beeline to the point. If you say too much, we may be lost in the maelstrom of words and interpret them differently than intended, or take them completely out of context. And if that’s the case…”[/color] Suddenly, Strawberry Baby’s grip tightened tremendously around the boy’s shoulder, as if it was testing to see if it could shatter the entire region through prowess alone, [color=#DC143C]”only bad things can happen. So talk sparingly from now on, kay~?”[/color] The girl tipped off her mortifying explanation with a prim, entrancing smile, completely incongruous to the dialogue that preceded it. Paper Moon remained there utterly motionless with his gaze frozen in line with her passive countenance. The boy then managed to regain control of his neck and turned his head over to Drauni and Nostradamus in rigid, measured movements. And then all at once overly romanticized terror besieged his face. [color=#FF7F00]”MELVIN, WE’VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!”[/color] Drauni emulated the same expression from the safety of behind the other healer, [color=green]”YOU NOTICED IT TOO, RIGHT?! SHE’S NOT A TSUNDERE… SHE’S…”[/color] [color=#FF7F00]”JUST TSUN!!!”[/color] The shriek cry’s trail led all the way into the provisional carrier. Everybody, including the Strykers who had met only a few scant moments of resistance, stared in unanimous dubiety at the rogue seeking refuge within the vehicle. [color=#DC143C][i]”Face meet palm. Palm meet face.”[/i][/color] A pained sigh left the girl’s lips as she summoned every ounce of endurance to not send a meteor or a morbidly obese dissolution crashing down onto the vehicle. She quelled the ravine that formed between her furrowed brows and cleared her voice to permeate the awkward silence, [color=#DC143C]”Ehem. Moon, you’ve got a city to lead.”[/color] Paper Moon suddenly shot up from behind the vehicle’s exterior, managing an uncomfortable grin as he faced the crowd of Strykers and Sweepers, backed by the armored trio. [color=#FF7F00]”Right, right…”[/color] Just like that, the uncertain complexion smoothened out to his iconic disposition, brimming with vitality and absurdity. He placed a foot on the front of the vehicle and leaned forward on his upper thigh, [color=#FF7F00]”Right! Okay people, sorry about that. Just came face to face with an earth-shattering revelation. The woman to my left is only a tsun. Not a tsun[i]dere[/i]. You have been warned.”[/color] Strawberry Baby gave an exaggerated eye roll as she thwacked the Rogue’s knee with her staff. She stared daggers at him to assure that he got the memo. [color=#FF7F00]”Ow… Well, anything’s better than an arrow. N’ways, since whoever was operating the turrets has turned tail, we’ve got a new task ahead of us.”[/color] Dark Wraiths voice raced through the darkness and reverberated in every individual’s ears. She essentially outlined everything Moon was planning to glaze over, which actually saved him some much needed breath. Now that they were backed up by cerulean tanks and those of their own it wouldn’t be too arduous of a feat. Still, Moon was aware of all of the factors involved, and took them into account equally. Anybody who died on this mission would essentially be spawn camped until the structure was retaken. The boy toiled in the sea of numbers for a few moments before he glanced up at the miniature armada again, still grinning with confidence, [color=#FF7F00]”Alright, here’s how this is going to go down. We’ll be utilizing guerilla tactics for this one. Hit and run, lure sentries and patrols, gradually whittle down the enemy’s numbers- y’know, the whole enchilada!”[/color] The Rogue pocketed his hands and nonchalantly stepped off of the vehicle, greeting the asphalt with the bottom of his boots for another time. [color=#FF7F00]”We’ll have three groups operating on a rotational basis roughly around the perimeter of the Sanctuary, with a few deviations here and there just to confuse the blokes. One will be commanded by Regality and Nostradomus, another by Strawberry Baby, and the last by Leviathan and myself. I’ve got an eye in the sky, so I’ll direct you all accordingly, but I’ll leave direct confrontations up to your discretion.”[/color] Moon motioned towards the tanks waiting idly for their new objectives, [color=#FF7F00]”Each group gets one tank, and… ten, twenty, thirty, for- how about fifteen reliable comrades?”[/color] Since time was of the essence they had to get a move on already. Moon brought his Harvest Carbine close to his chest and met the gazes of the players under his command. His laxed eyes transitioned into a by far more narrow arrangement. He was, seemingly defying the fundamentals of reality, serious. [color=#FF7F00]”This operation and many others will determine the outcome of this city’s future. Don’t waver in your resolve. Strike fast, strike hard. And above all else, look out for each other.”[/color] Moon nodded his head towards the vacant street behind him, ravaged by the effects of conflict, [color=#FF7F00]”C’mon people, it's time to make history.”[/color] Players began to coagulate into three distinct groups, balancing classes and builds as best as they could. They gravitated towards their respective tanks, ready to charge onwards. [@Mega Birb][@Kimiyosis][@Bombardier]