[center][b][h1]Aliens, Robots, Cookies[/h1][/b][/center] [img]https://deadrift.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/paul_chadeisson_16b.jpg[/img] What if humans weren’t alone in the universe? Well, we aren’t, so deal with it. The world is filled with other sentient life, which is great and all, but did it really have to come here? Of course, some of it was created on Earth: the robots. But they were never meant to achieve the same status as real humans. And then, there were the aliens from distant galaxies. They have come to Earth to escape some “awful thing” or whatever. So we have kindly granted them access to our planet. But now, they think they can run around freely and use all our resources and take our jobs, as if they belonged here. As if they owned the place. Here’s how it is, and how it should always be: we humans own this planet. This is our world. Aliens? Robots? Flying spaghetti monsters? Sure. But they’re visitors, not citizens. And they need to remember who’s in charge. --- In the future, robots are sentient and aliens have come to Earth. But not all humans have come to terms with the situation, and most have come to the conclusion that aliens and robots are second-class Earthians. Faced with such widespread discrimination, what will our intrepid heroes do? --- This is a private, casual RP between me [@Karamonnom], [@Orynae], and [@Nytem4re]. We're pretty much just goofing off but some sort of story will come from this, hopefully.