[center][h3]Rylen | Route 2 - Side Path[/h3] [@EWillden][@Heckno12] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://sprites.pokecheck.org/i/246.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 300P (-700P) [*]x5 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] As the group walked through the small thicket, and spotted Pokemon scampering around, Rylen was enjoying himself while it seemed Hotaru was looking out for something interesting. Ian seemed to be fixated on his egg, Rylen didn't quite notice the egg beginning to form cracks, as he was having a blast just seeing these Pokemon. He spotted a small group of Starly fly away, a few Pokemon seemed to be foraging until they noticed the group, before running, as they stepped through the small dirt path, slowly becoming grass, they saw a clearing. It was just any normal clearing, but they could hear the cries of Pokemon from it. Rylen sped up a bit thinking it might be some Pokemon who were hurt, but he was only half right. A Rufflet. He pulled out the Pokedex he almost forgot he had, and scanned it. [i]"It stands up to massive opponents, not out of courage, but out of recklessness. But that is how it gets stronger."[/i] Other info on the Pokedex suggests they're common in mountainous areas, and uncommon mostly anywhere else, sometimes in forests too. So this was also a rare opportunity. It seems this one went further away from home likely deeper in the forest in search of opponents. [color=orange]"Sounds like my kind of guy"[/color], he commented. As he did, the Rufflet handily beat it's current opponent, a cowardly Staravia, before spotting the group of trainers. Both the Rufflet and Rylen's Larvitar locked eyes, before he stepped forward. Despite Larvitar being a little smaller, it seems to have recognized some strength in it... [color=orange]"So it wants to fight huh? Alright, let's do it"[/color], he began, as Larvitar stepped into the clearing. This wouldn't be their first battle, he's had plenty of battles against other trainers who trained at the Dragon's Den, but he never won any of them. Why? Because he picked them, but they were all trainers with anywhere between 1-8 badges, so right now, the Rufflet was reminding him of home. He admired that trait, to stand against stronger opponents.