Name: [color=ed1c24]Cekata[/color] or [color=ed1c24]Celoline[/color] (either works fine because she has been called both throughout her life) Age: [color=ed1c24]20[/color] Gender: [color=ed1c24] Female [/color] Sexuality: [color=ed1c24]Bi?[/color] Personality: [color=ed1c24]Cekata is a real mess to put it shortly, she is a real trouble-maker for most and is really honest and direct with people which doesn't seem to suit most, as honesty in reality is quite harsh. Although she is like that and seems to be like the person, people would hate most having around, she has that sweet personality in her as well, which persuades people to follow her and fall for her. [/color] Relationship Status: [color=ed1c24]Single, although she feels connected to Duncan on a different level [/color] Family/Friends: [color=ed1c24]Family died in a car accident several years ago, leaving her an orphan, and shortly after also homeless. She was taken in by a close friend Duncan Rivers. During the years she lived there, she grew to love music because Duncan had learned to play guitar by himself, watching old videos and books that were decades old.[/color] Bio: (i presume this is like history and background info of her history and such :D :D so let's do this.) [color=ed1c24]Cekata was born in the time where it was rare that people would get more than two kids, so she and her older step-brother (brother had a different father) were the only children their parents had. She grew up like any other kid that time, playing games, falling in love and being with friends. That changed when the accident happened in her teens, she became a shut-in. didn't even finish her school, even though Duncan tried to force her. She just couldn't do it. Her life was torn apart, the only person who didn't leave her was him. But she was suspicious of him because every so often he went missing in the house. No-one knew where he was but he appeared in a few hours back in his room, although his parents didn't question him, Cekata was determined to find out the secret. So one time she followed him but again that time he disappeared suddenly after turning a corner. She was pissed. But next time she followed him from afar and found out that he went to the attic. Attic? she didnt even know they had one in his house. She waited half an hour and then followed Duncan there. She saw him sitting on an old couch, eyes closed and wearing headphones with a wire attached to it. Why would there be a wire to ear muffs? She wondered, she thought those were only noise cancellers, reducing outside noise, not realising those were very old headphones, for she has never seen one. He seemed to be sleeping so she slowly discovered the attic to her own accord. She discovered old instruments and many cds, containing music. Few days later she confronted Duncan with it and he agreed to tell her everything. She was amazed at everything he told her, for she didn't know anything about it. He later on taught her to sing and to play the guitar. He then told her about Abbey Falls. And that is the reason, she is now standing before the doors of University of Vermont, secretly looking forward to meeting other musicians because having only known two other musicians in her life, the probability of whole classes filled with them both scared and excited her.[/color] Gift: [color=ed1c24]Duncan once told her that people had gifts, when doing music, most did, almost everyone, but noone knew how to activate them. He taught her how to draw power from music and how to give shape to her gift. Turns out when she got too into playing the guitar some weird stuff happened. During gentle notes even the darkest places were illuminated and wonderful things happened just like sweet tunes were bringing in good fortune. Rough notes and fast play seemed to turn everything lighter, or was it gravity? They didnt know but Duncan laughed that she is weird because Duncan could only hear people think, if he played guitar. But her voice? That seemed to have no effect. Or until one point when they were sitting on the attic after Duncan got a cast because of a rough football match. He then cried when she sang, and told her that her voice was that of a healers.[/color] ( i don't know if this is allowed :D but i think people with gifts would have different effects when performing on different instruments, although those powers on different instruments are not even closely to being that powerful as their main instrument.) Instrumentalist or Vocalist: (if Guitar is not an option, then.... ) [color=ed1c24]vocalist[/color] ( but if it is, she sneaked in Duncan's guitar in one of the huge bags she had, lying that there were her clothes) False Major: [color=ed1c24]Before she discovered about music, her favourite subject in school was history, so she chose that one for some last memories[/color] Years Attended University: [color=ed1c24]Welp... She hasn't even finished her school, but with some help from Duncan, she managed to get in to Vermont performing excellent on her entrance exam's.[/color] Appearance: ( i think that would be necessary :D ) Hair: [color=ed1c24]Blonde very long hair down to her waist. [/color] Skin: [color=ed1c24]Light. Cekata doesn't like being outside that much nor does she like tanning so she has a very light skintone[/color] Eyes: [color=ed1c24]Amber [/color] Height: [color=ed1c24]1.6m or 5.2feet[/color] Weight: [color=ed1c24]50kg or 110pounds[/color] Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): [color=ed1c24]She got her left arm tattooed during her rebellious stage. [/color] Physical Features: [color=ed1c24]Cekata has a very lean figure. Quite the punch packed into the little package of fury.[/color] Pic: [img][/img]