Yep. I was all pumped for this awesome Tokyo Ghoul RP. The story seemed rich, the GMs were interesting, the Characters created were great... and then the posting started. Within 3 hours there was 20 posts and I hadn't even posted yet. The GM posted several times as well which didn't help. The most annoying aspect was that these were advanced style posts with over 5,000 characters per post. I dropped it and told the GM off for basically forcing me out of the RP because I couldn't keep up. I got a pretty bland response about how it's not their fault and in the end a small handful of us left. In my view, speed posting has it's place but if you offer a roleplay that is going to have a decent turnout and are expecting highly detailed post, then you need to keep in consideration that some players have lives outside the internet. It's a quick way to kill any roleplay if you ask me.