[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f7/01/1d/f7011d0af48c9e61b2bd6eef44217edd.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kyle closed his eyes and sighed. So far things had been pretty calm albeit his partners eradic behavior. Maybe they could use a third person in there group. [color=2e3192]"Well destined child how about this? Why don't you join us in our pokemon journey. Nyxx wont mind,"[/color]Kyle said shooting a look at the absent minded Nyxx[color=2e3192],"And I wouldn't mind having someone in our group that doesn't think their a butterfly. I don't think Treecko would object, would you Tree?"[/color] Hearing his name Treecko hopped off Kyles shoulder and landed in front of Alexis. Treecko stared at her, then walked around her in a circle for a few seconds. Kyle leaned down and let Treecko climb back onto his shoulder. Treecko gave a small pat on Kyles head. [color=2e3192]"See, a small pat means your good. If you weren't I would have been hit."[/color] Kyle looked at the clock on the wall. [color=2e3192]"We have been here doing nothing for too long. As much as I love doing nothing, trust me on this, we have been doing nothing for too long,"[/color]Kyle said has he started leaving the pokecenter with Nyxx[color=2e3192],"If you wanna come with us now is your chance."[/color] And with that Kyle left the pokecenter. Kyle walked with Nyxx, who would follow behind him slowly, sometimes stopping if she found something pretty. Kyle would love to have stopped and just laid down and taken a nap but he couldn't do that. At least not with Nyxx being Nyxx. Kyle didn't walk very far though when a pokemon caught his eye. A pokemon was just sitting there, on the ground, eating some berries. Kyle smiled.He knew what he had to do. Sit down and let Treecko do all the work. First though Kyle scanned it with his pokedex, "Starly, the bird pokemon. Starly flock in great numbers. though small, they can flap their wings with great strength." Kyle looked around and did not see any other starly around. Kyle thought this was odd but he wasn't going to question his luck. [color=2e3192]"Alright Treecko game plan time. Your gonna go out and kick that starlys ass, and I'm gonna sit here and catch it."[/color] With this said, Treecko smacked Kyle on the back of his head with his tail, then jumped off of Kyle ready for battle. [color=2e3192]"Alright alright fine. Treecko use pound!"[/color] Treecko use pound. Pound hit Starly. Starly was shocked but pulled itself together quick. With a flash Starly used quick attack and hit Treecko. Treecko flew back a bit. [color=2e3192]"Treecko you got this. Use absorb!"[/color] Treecko used absorb and hit Starly. Treecko regained some health and took it away from starly. Starly used growl but it was ineffective against treecko. [color=2e3192]"Quick Treecko use Pound again!"[/color] Treecko hit Starly with pound. Starly fainted. Kyle reached into his bag and withdrew a pokeball. Kyle threw the pokeball and hit starly with it, catching it. Kyle waited with baited breath as the pokeball shook once, twice, three times...........then sat still. Kyle ran over and grabbed the pokeball, holding it in his hand. Kyle beamed at Treecko. [color=2e3192]:"Alright Tree we caught a starly."[/color] [@Noxx] [@Otomosthecrazy]