[h3][center][i][u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IKY6UPF41E]~BGM~[/url][/u][/i][/center][/h3] [u][i][color=8493ca][center][h3]~Moon Rider~[/h3][/center][/color][/i][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/CZa9VXW.png [/img][/center] [hr] [color=8493ca]“I see,”[/color] Moon Rider said as Arms Slave finished his report. So traitors and scum still festered in her Guild? She supposed she had no one else to blame but herself for not foreseeing this but now was not the time for self-pity. Despite her only reaction being that of a slow blink, Moon Rider was enraged, the only indication of that being the fact that her lightsaber was still ignited. [color=8493ca]“Yuuno? As in, Yuuno Kurogami, cousin of Yoshino Tsugumi? Well then. A noble cause for someone generally considered as trash in this game,” [/color]Moon Rider said with the shadow of a smile. She leaned forward to rest an assuring hand on the other Avatar’s shoulder before saying, “Be at ease then Arms Slave. You’ve done enough for both the Sweepers and this Guild. You’ve earned the right to rest well knowing that your King will finally act like the leader you all deserve.” [i][color=8493ca]“King? Coming from a harlot like you, I’m not sure how valid those words are Moon Rider.”[/color][/i] The familiar sound of flesh being torn apart by the hot buzzing of purple energy froze Rider in place as a lightsaber, [i]her[/i] lightsaber, slowly etched its way across the folds of Arms Slave’s neck. A final flick of the wrist popped the head clean off to send it flying, Arms Slave’s body dropping like a ragdoll onto the ground. Standing behind him was the injured but very much alive fake Moon Rider. [color=8493ca]“You say big words, but you’re little more than a tyrant, Me. Sending that poor boy off with such sweet words right before death? It’s a wonder why many call us the cruelest of the Colored Kings,”[/color] the faker said, pointing her blade right at Moon Rider. In response, the real one leapt back, brushing aside some of Arms Slave’s spilled blood from her cheeks. Her eyes glinted just a bit to reflect the dormant rage within. That had been the last straw for her and she [i]would[/i] make this bitch pay. That much was clear by a killing intent so great around her Avatar, it thickened the air with a sharpness that could cut whole. [color=8493ca]“Did I strike a nerve killing one of your subordinates? With the crap he was spouting, I just had to put him down like the dog he was. Good guys? Stop trying to glorify yourselves when you know you’re just a band of dirty thieves and murderers!”[/color] As if reading each other’s minds, both Kings dashed forth head on. What resulted was a whirring display of double purple, blades humming in the air with both having the intent to kill. It was always rumored within the game that a duel between Colored Kings would always ensure that one of them would be dead by the end of their conflict. That fact remained true even now as the two Black Kings fought at a power and speed through skill alone, reminding all present why they were Kings in the first place. Back in the Blue Guild, Mercury Titania shook her head. Things were certainly going to hell and back now weren’t they? She looked at her assistant before saying, [color=6ecff6]“Hey Absinthe, you should probably log off now and go check on Yoshino Tsugumi. With all these troubles happening around her employer’s Guild, she might need a family hand to help her through this.”[/color] Panther was about to raise her own concerns but was silent as her big sister gave her a look too. Titania’s smile didn’t waver and she said, [color=6ecff6]“Sorry about this being a bad first day. I’ll find a way to make it up to you somehow. Just log off while I take care of business doing…Kingly stuff. That’s a word, right ;3?”[/color] Azure Panther was unsure but did not disobey her sister’s orders, logging off and waking up in her bed. Sighing, she exited her room to go check on her still logged on sister but stopped dead at the sight before her. There was…some guy in their dorm? Who the hell was this?!? Bel’s boyfriend??!?!?? Within the White Guild, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/44/6e/6c/446e6cd8a00a3b0ca49dc4c7b27cfbdb.jpg]White Sun[/url] was grinning to herself with Stark Zealot at her side. Today was a most joyous occasion and she nodded to her companion sitting before her; none other than the Green King himself, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ee/59/fe/ee59fef80591f8cd247268d6445c719d.jpg]Verdant Grin[/url]. This was too perfect. The last of her plans had fallen into place and soon, very soon, all of Deep Ground would know her ambitions publicly. Back in the real world in Eris’ apartment, Dana was surprised to have her finger subsequently stopped by Eris’ hand. She sat there staring at her quarry before her facial features slowly morphed into a wide grin. Her shark teeth gleamed in full display with an eager nod to follow. [color=f7941d]“Oh ho, hiya Eris! Name’s Dana, or Trash, or Super Trash, but don’t tell anyone I said that, ahaha! Your mom is totes bribing me to be your babysitter. Oh, and I think there was this girl who looks like a boy with coffee that just passed by now. Should probably go date her or something.”[/color] Over at Itsuko’s residence, Huntress merely nodded, as if affirming that she was in fact the best. So she continued to play with Itsuko and Hibiki. Doing game things. Or whatever it was counted as video games in this world anyway. What, were they too hipster for Deep Ground? Nerds… [hr] [center][@Caits], [@Lonewolf685], [@Bombardier], [@Lucius Cypher], [@KoL], [@McFazzer], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Mega Birb], [@Jedly], [@Lord of Evil], [@Scarifar], [@Kimiyosis], [@Ryonara], [@Unlucky0013][/center]