[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ashley%20Cunningham&name=Claudette%20aime%20le%20Chocolat.ttf&size=50&style_color=DC143C[/img] [img]http://reactiongif.org/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/11/Taylor-Swift-Shocked-and-Surprised-GIF.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] The Tinder Family Home: Marc's Bedroom[/center][hr] Ashley cussed under her breath (as it was unladylike to swear aloud in company and when not in serious pain) and then squeaked in surprise as Marc swept her up and shifted her out of harms way. There wasn't a lot of glass but he was right that there was enough to do some damage to her feet if she stood on it. Serve her right for not thinking ahead for situations where you have to stay in your highschool sweethearts childhood home because of a mass murderer out on the loose killing her classmates. However would she live with herself?! Crossing her legs underneath herself on the bed, Ashley gave a silent little nod and smile towards Marc as he left the room to get a pan and brush. Her fingers idly moved up and tucked her hair behind her ears as she looked after him, the door holding her complete attention as her mind began to wander as she realised his teasing words a few moments too late. [i][color=crimson]Wait... did he just... he did. Walk of shame! Oh god Marc..."[/color][/i] She found herself chuckling and shaking her head as a goofy smile spread across her lips. She quickly snapped herself out of it however when she realised what was running through her mind. It had to be the fact that she was in his bedroom again after all these years. Sure he didn't live here anymore but the last time she had been in here, they had been dating. It didn't matter that it had been a decade ago, right now it only felt like yesterday to Ashley. Falling back on the bed, her hair fanning out beneath her head and her hands flopping down onto her chest, Ashley watched the ceiling and traced the lines of the [url=https://www.londonplastercraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/CR-368-e1363966976286.jpg]cornicing decoration[/url] with her eyes and admired the swoops and swirls of the etchings. It felt like an apt personification of her emotions and feelings at this time in her life. She was terrified, guilt ridden and ecstatic all at once and she honestly had no idea or grasp on how to handle it. Her fingers fanned out as she felt the rhythm of her heartbeat pounding beneath her fingertips. Why was it beating so fast? Perhaps it was the shock of smashing on of Marc's picture frames but no, that would be just an excuse. She knew why it was beating so much but she refused to acknowledge it lest the guilt that was plauging her finally swallowed her whole. Sitting upright with a start, Ash looked around for her cell. She threw pillows off the bed to lay unceremoniously on the floor and threw the blankets up into a messy bundle as she hunted for her phone. When she couldn't find it she decided to brave the glass by shifting one of the pillows on the area that she'd dropped it. The pillow would make a good stepping stone of padding so she could head to the guest room and grab her cell. Okay so she knew she shouldn't be leaving the room but she had to check and see how many missed calls and messages she had. As she slipped out of the room she quickly jogged down the hall to the guest room and saw her phone laying beside her purse on a chair inside. [color=crimson]"Oh thank goodness I didn't lose you!"[/color] She picked it up and realised it was switched off. She smacked her forehead lightly as she remembered that she'd turned it off last night after Al had upset her. Bracing herself she turned it back on and listened to the incessant buzzing as all the missed call notifications, messages and voicemails came through. Taking a deep breath she unlocked her screen and checked what was in store. [color=crimson]"...No way."[/color] 15 voicemails, 27 text messages and 53 missed calls. She was definitely in trouble, well that or someone else had died.[hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jasmin%20Morgan&name=ChopinScript.ttf&size=50&style_color=DAF05B[/img] [img]http://i.giphy.com/WyueN9c91D476.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] The Plaza Hotel: Her Room[/center][hr] Finishing up in the shower, Jas gave her hair a squeeze out then began to towel dry it until she was happy with it. Grabbing a larger towel, she wrapped it around herself and opened up the bathroom door letting the steam flood out from the room. She casually walked out and spotted Lawson sitting on the pull out bed. [color=DAF05B]"Get a good sleep, Marine? Gotta say, you snore like an absolute lumberjack. Good job I'm a heavy sleeper."[/color] She gave a small giggle and made her way over to the bed before sitting on the edge and grabbing a hairbrush from her bedside table. As she sat there, easing out the knots in her freshly washed hair, Jas considered Lawson whilst he had his top off and gave an approving little nod to herself. She didn't regret the two of them not getting drunk but she certainly couldn't stop herself thinking about what could have happened. She felt a small smile twitching at the corners of her lips before it turned into a full blown smirk. Ten years ago this would never have even been a dream in her frizzy haired little head. Time really did change everything but it didn't heal all her wounds like she was promised, a lot of those were still fresh, open and oozing. She knew it wasn't healthy but fuck it, the longer these people didn't recognise her the more satisfied it made her. It also made her a little sad but she did her best to fight those thoughts deep down. They had no place in her new life. When she was done, Jas turned to look at David and gave him a smile. [color=DAF05B]"Hey, you think you could pass me my shoes that are just down near the door of the room please?"[/color] She folded in on herself as she reached under the bed and pulled her suitcase out from underneath before placing it on the bed. She rooted around until she found a set of underwear and a plain tan coloured vest top. She'd wait until he went off and grabbed her shoes for her and then slip this on before grabbing a skirt to match the shoes that Lawson was about to bring her. It was a good thing that she bought interchangeable clothing that went with everything. Practicality was not something she lost when she gained her sense of fashion fortunately.[hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Kai%20Malana&name=CelticHand.ttf&size=50&style_color=CC5200[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/f35c8f7f0b14d1075bfe1733789ea0d0/tumblr_miafctJTit1qd6laho2_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Great Wolf Lodge: His Room[/center][hr] The grin on Kai's face was one that could have lit up the entire hotel were they to see it. He held onto his Anela tightly and let her guide him back into the hotel room where she, as she always had, took care of him and his mess that he'd gotten himself into. Leaning back on the heels of his hands while Ada worked on band-aiding his foot, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back for a moment glad that they were no longer in the fighting mood. If she hadn't literally just stormed off, he'd have given her a silly and cheeky response back but he didn't want her running off on him again so soon after calming her down. He hated when she got worked up and he hated it even more when he was the one responsible for it but it was just how they worked. So long as there was more good times than bad going forward, he'd live with it. Hearing the TV switching on, Kai opened one eye and glanced at the screen that was half hidden by sunlight glare as he recognised the voice speaking on screen. His first instinct was to hold Ada. His movement was sudden and he fell into her a little but his arms were wrapped around her faster than she could react as he held her close to him. [color=cc5200]"I'm here, we're good. I think we should turn my cell back on and give Marc a call... Do you... Shall I make the call or do you want to hear it from him? I'll do whatever you need me to do."[/color] Truth being told, Kai was absolutely terrified. This was a full blown serial killer and they were potential targets. This shit was crazy but he was going to keep his game face on for Ada. He owed her at least that damn much.[hr]