[center][h3][ [color=8493ca]N P C S[/color] ][/h3][hr][/center] [hider=Vernon Conway, Captain of the Garrloch][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/d7JdnQa.png[/img] Vernon Conway, Captain of the UIS Garrloch[/center] A stoic man with a gruff voice, Captain Conway has spent many years in the Ilyistavi armed forces, primarily as an airship pilot. When the U.I. put out a public request for Ship Captains, Conway was one of the first men to throw his name into the ring. His stellar credentials and loud, controlled manner of speaking made him a popular choice for one of the first ships out, but he was first required to serve out his time with the IAF, and only recently assumed command of the Garrloch. He is popular with his crew, due to his steady hand of guidance and understanding of his sailors needs. Despie that, however, he is a stern man who gives no quarter when it comes to survival. None are allowed extra rations, and no woman (or man) has ever been able to charm their way into his good graces. This is the first mission he is on which is allowing non-chartered officials to tag along, and he is slightly worried that they won't be able to handle the rough and tumble life at sea. At the end of the day, Conway has every intention of coming back alive from his journey, and bringing everyone else back alive with him.[/hider] [hider=List of less defined NPCs] -Supply Officer Gante -Keenan: Gante's son, a bit of a fatass -Sailor Danzig -Sailor Rast -Sailor Valdez, engineer, witchroot addict, and strangely attached to his kegs of alcohol -Ulhart: Hangar Crew Chief -Captain Conway's second in command, who has yet to be named. -Sailor Bronson: A slightly chubby man with a balding problem, who seems to have had the most unfortunate run of bad luck since setting out. -The PA Announcer Guy -Asmunr: Leigri hangar worker who likes to laugh -Chief Medical Officer Raoul -Raymond Rahlei -Jonus and Kaya Morrison, Juliette's parents -Salaz Imroham, guardian of Gil-Bagha precinct within Ghal-Priyam [/hider][hr] [center][h3][ [color=8493ca]T H E C S[/color] ][/h3][hr] [indent]I've never been a huge fan of making people write a massive wall of text before the story even starts, so I'll leave it up to you to decide how much you like to write. Hell, bullet points for personality can work, since I view a personality section as more of a guideline of what to expect from the character. You do you. I'm a huge fan of reading CSes, though, so don't feel like there's no reason to be expansive with your character. And if I don't like what I see for a character, I'll let you know, and try to work with you on it. P.S. Please post the character in the OOC, or PM it to be before posting it here. Thanks.[/indent][/center] [hr] [hider=CS Template] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyzO7neuNFRzfgY8nf9EuZV0WmIzkeSf7WRcXTnUS_lIwnZ6Nqh5YPYY-2rw[/img] [sub][I]Picture optional. Please use a real or realistic image if you decide to use a picture at all.[/I][/sub] Name Age|Height|Gender [/center] [ S Y N O P S I S ] [indent]All I really want here is a 2-3 line briefing of your character. Just a little something so that I can reference them quickly.[/indent] [ A P P E A R A N C E ] [indent]What does you character look like? Ideally, this is more important than the picture, but both can be acceptable. Scars, piercings, general standing posture, anything you like can go here.[/indent] [ P E R S O N A L I T Y ] [indent]Just an idea of the sort of character you're looking to play. Most of the time human beings are pretty tough to characterize in such a small space, but do what you can.[/indent] [ H I S T O R Y ] [indent]One of my favorite things about RPs is the stories characters get to tell one another. What has your character been up to in their life before hitting the ocean? This world is practically an entire continent in terms of size, so just about anything is possible here. Military, merchant, street rat, it doesn't matter. Make an interesting character.[/indent] [ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ] [indent]Anything else that might be important.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Copy 'N Paste Version] [quote][noparse] [center][img]Image Goes Here. Picture Optional[/img] Name Age|Height|Gender [/center] [ S Y N O P S I S ] [indent]All I really want here is a 2-3 line briefing of your character. Just a little something so that I can reference them quickly.[/indent] [ A P P E A R A N C E ] [indent]What does you character look like? Ideally, this is more important than the picture, but both can be acceptable. Scars, piercings, general standing posture, anything you like can go here.[/indent] [ P E R S O N A L I T Y ] [indent]Just an idea of the sort of character you're looking to play. Most of the time human beings are pretty tough to characterize in such a small space, but do what you can.[/indent] [ H I S T O R Y ] [indent]One of my favorite things about RPs is the stories characters get to tell one another. What has your character been up to in their life before hitting the ocean? This world is practically an entire continent in terms of size, so just about anything is possible here. Military, merchant, street rat, it doesn't matter. Make an interesting character.[/indent] [ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ] [indent]Anything else that might be important.[/indent] [/noparse][/quote] [/hider]