[center][h3][color=#A9A9A9][b]~Lucile Geroux, Route 2~[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [@LokiLeo789] [center][hider=Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/purrloin.gif[/img] Holding: Pecha Berry[/hider] [hider=Inventory] Money: 600P Pokeball: x2 Potion: x4 Super Potion: x1 Pecha Berry x2 [/hider][/center] [hr] As Ray split off to do his shopping, Laira and Lucy decided to do a bit something more...mischievous. While Lucy wasn't exactly a bad person, she did want the best for her darling little pokemon, and she [i]always[/i] had to make sure she was able to give them the best care whatsoever. And in this case, she could use a few more healing items. Two potions she took with her weren't going to carry her far. Thankfully, she also wasn't adverse to a little...something else. She let Laira jump onto the floor next to some super potions. One would have cost her at least seven hundred P, and she didn't exactly have extra money to be throwing around. So she would let Laira handle that. A rogue pokemon would have an easier time of pilfering something anyways. In the meantime, she would do what any good pokemon trainer would do, and buy some regular potions. Two, to be exact. It was easy enough to pay for them, and was done without much suspicion. She stuffed the two of them into her backpack, and exited the pokemart along with Ray. Purrloin didn't seem to be anywhere at the moment, and was likely waiting for a bit before returning with the stolen item. [color=#A9A9A9]"Route five, hm?"[/color] Lucy replied with a hum. [color=#A9A9A9]"Not exactly an ideal locale for having a bit of fun."[/color] She sounded a bit bored at the prospect, even. That said, it [i]was[/i] along the way, and Laira needed to be trained a bit certainly. However, route five was also a fair distance away. Laira might already be a fairly strong level by then. She also wasn't exactly one to wait a whole long to get something she wanted. Seemed the cons were outweighing the pros at the moment. [color=#A9A9A9]"We'll have to see darling, but I'm not really one to spend time in a place I have no care for."[/color] She gave him a small smile, getting close to Ray and giving him a soft pat on his cheek. [color=#A9A9A9]"Of course, maybe if you make it fun for me, I might have reason to stick around."[/color] And with a turn, and a wink she set off at a brisk pace towards Route 2. She didn't say yes or no, but since they were headed in the same general direction for the moment, it seemed they were going to be traveling together. And soon enough, they left the city behind just as Laira showed herself, meowing and looking up at Lucy from the ground - in its claws a Super potion. She looked fairly pleased with the outcome of events. She smiled at the cat, picking it and the super potion up. She hoped Ray either didn't care, or didn't notice. Otherwise, things might get a little troublesome. Of course, she'd simply walk off on her own if he did. Either way, it swiftly found its way into her pocket.