[hr] [center][color=Lime][h3]Ray Stylo[/h3][/color] [hider=Team/Items] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/riolu.gif[/img] [b][u]Muay[/u][/b] Level 5 [Prankster] (Foresight)(Quick Attack)(Endure)(Bullet Punch) [hr] [b]~Walet~[/b] [i]800₽[/i] [hr] 5x[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/ea64/f/2011/175/b/2/pokeball_free_icon_by_scratch_the_hedgie-d3jwgjs.gif[/img] 5x potions [/hider] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] [/center] Ray frowned as he watched Lucy rush off towards Route 2. [color=Lime]"What?"[/color] he mumbled confusedly as he watched her curved form move farther and farther away. That whole interaction was lost to Ray. She hadn't given him an answer, at all. One second she was leaving the store, in another she was palming his cheek and leaving. What did she mean by making it fun for her? Ray scratched the back of his head and glanced at Muay, who seemed agitated. Concerned Ray took to caring for him. [color=Lime]"Whats wrong Muay?"[/color] he cooed, kneeling down next his Riolu. [b]"Ri-rio!"[/b] he barked angrily, pointing at Lucy's retreating form. Ray confused, turned to Lucy, and looked back down at Muay. What did he want? [color=Lime]"You want me to catch up? Come on Muay whats going on?!"[/color] He prodded, searching for a answer. Muay, having enough of his trainers lack of understanding, simply yanked at Ray's back. Frowning, Ray relented, giving his partner his travel pack. After a few seconds of fumbling with it, Muay reveled an empty potion pouch, well nearly empty. Only 5 potions remained, but Ray originally had 6. His Super Potion was gone. [color=Lime]"Bullshit..."[/color] he murmured smashing his fist into the sidewalk. He just bought the thing, who could have taken it? Muay, sensing his anger, pointed at Lucy, who was nearly out of sight. Ray quickly made the connection, Purrlion. It wasn't named to Devious Pokemon for nothing, as his Pokedex brought out. Taking his pack, Ray started after Lucy, Muay following close behind, concerned for its trainer.[color=Lime]"Don't worry Muay, we'll get her back soon enough."[/color] he mumbled menacingly. [b]"Rio!"[/b] Muay barked, just as determined as Ray was. He was quick to catch up to Lucy, running nonstop to catch up as she shoved an object into her pocket. Ray narrowed his eyes, but chose not to confront her about it. In fact, he ignored her all together and ran past her, they were going in the same direction after all. While they ran through Route 2, Ray slowly came to find out why the route was called the Nature Park. Dozens of children milled about, mostly unsupervised. Ray was even surprised to see a battle going on in the distance, and he was pretty sure a trainers egg just hatched. Despite the parks perpetual beauty, Ray chose to run past it all, he wanted to get to Route 5 as fast as he could. Unfortunately, a chime from his Pokedex stopped him in his tracks. Near the edge of Route 2, stood a vast expanse of sand. The Route 3 desert. Sweaty and tired, Ray took a seat on the soft grass, Muay collapsing next to him, enjoying the opportunity for rest. Ray needed to reroute his trip to Route 5, it seemed that he didn't have necessary supplies to survive the suffocating of the desert, and it seemed Route 4 and 5 was just that. [color=Lime]"Looks like were gonna have to make a stop in a Dune Town, Muay."[/color] he huffed, turned to his partner. [color=Lime]"Lets take a quick break, the training will resume. Our endurance training."[/color] he declared, throwing his fist into the air before collapsing on his back and throwing his Pokedex into his pack.