[@DesperatePerson]for just drabbles and Altiverse (our screw-around alternate universe where p much anything happens at any given time)? Well, I'll just write up something simple, and you go ahead and post back to it, as if it were any normal RP. [hider=writing prompt for you to respond to]"Well, I'm off to train a little more. Wake me in the morning if you guys get up first." Eric, though sitting on the edge of the cliff like the others, knew that he had no purpose there. His breathing heavy and labored as he used the scabbard of his sword as a crutch to not only pick himself up, but to walk further away from the ledge And the setting sun beyond the horizon. His steps were slow and careful, the bottom of the scabbard reaching out to tap the ground around him every second or third step. To those around Eric, the world was bathed in the orange of the setting sun. The air was cooling, and the breeze was light, though Eric could only take notice of two of those three things. The others said nothing about Eric choosing to train more. After disbanding that group of highwaymen, rest is something that they all needed. They had taken the job from the town at the base of the mountain and walked with purpose through the winding pass that made the trip to the next town so much quicker than going around. They walked in, stormed the highwaymen and bandits, and took over their camp to settle down at for the night. It was a shame he could never enjoy the sunset like they could, but they knew better than to bring it up around him. They would also never directly talk about his training and endless work, even if he were exhausted. Though quiet, he was a fiery spirit, and telling him outright to stop would not end well for the second party. Convincing him through other means, however, was a much safer course of action that would not involve being threatened with a blade.[/hider]