[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AIg5XNx.png[/img][/center] 150 years have pasted since the Justice League has been disbanded and dissolved. Many of the legends of today are either missing, gone, or assumed dead. Superman had left Earth to explore the universe, finally acknowledging his true power and finding purpose in helping all beings. Batman disappeared, to which many assume he passed away - even Nightwing, Batgirl, and others have either died in the good fight or hung up their capes and passed peacefully. Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern... all the legends of the early 21st century have left the world in one way or another. But, the world keeps turning. New heroes arise just as new villains crop up to terrorize the cities across the globe. However a new threat has reared it's head. Mysteriously, superhero teams across the globe are being eliminated one by one - those who survive don't seem to have any more answers than anyone else, only claiming the new threat is 'cloaked in shadows.' Our heroes have found Bludhaven to be their new home and as they band together to face the threats of the city, dark eyes fall upon them. Will they survive or will they fall like so many before them? [hr] So! The idea behind this role-play is that we play superheroes set in the DC Universe! Obviously a lot of the iconic heroes we're used to have either disappeared or passed away. This will be a small group role-play, maxing out at an absolute of 8 total players (including myself). The role-play will be focusing on the main plot as well as character development [b]AND[/b] if requested, I don't mind running private plots for individual characters as well - if you guys fancy those things. I think I might try my best as splitting the plot into chapters, so we have times where we are chasing bad guys and having action and also having some down time so our heroes can get to know one another better! They will be a team, after all. Also, always feel free to discuss anything with me - here or in PM. If you have ideas for the plot or a direction to take this, then by all means contact me! As for the characters themselves, they obviously come from the DC universe, but none of them can be the actual iconic heroes we know of. So they are original characters in the DC universe, however feel free to have them follow the footsteps of a legend if you want. If you want to make someone who's chosen to don the cap of the "Batman," please go ahead! Obviously don't make a Bruce Wayne clone, but it only makes sense some heroes might want to emulate legends of the past. Anyways, character sheet is below. Feel free to comment or suggest or ask questions! ^.^ [code][b]Name:[/b] [b]Alias:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture preferred, but feel free to add a description as well) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Quirks:[/b] [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Fears:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Powers:[/b] (Trusting players to be responsible here, so please don't go overpowered with it. Kyptonians are okay, but I'd expect a bit more work into those types of characters, since some of us might be like Black Canary for example - basically I want everyone to feel included and to have fun, so be aware of others please!) [b]Strengths:[/b] (Physical or mental strengths) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Physical or mental weaknesses that would mainly affect combat) [b]Skills:[/b] (Mundane skills, such as cooking, or knowledge in hacking, etc) [b]Rumors:[/b] (List of IC rumors surrounding the hero or heroine. Like a rumor for Batman would have been that he's literally a bat monster or something.) [/code]