[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DRrZk92.png[/img][/center] [center][color=ff4d94][h2][b][i]Rose Vlaire[/i][/b][/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=ff4d94][b]♥ Firefly ♥[/b][/color][/center] [color=ff4d94][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=ff4d94][b]Race:[/b][/color] Metahuman [color=ff4d94][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=ff4d94][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Rose is what you might call a protector - adores peace when possible, but is more than willing to spill her own blood to protect the innocent. Beyond this, she is a somewhat quiet, but still sociable person. There is a unique sensitivity to negative emotions however and at times it can be easy to upset her, yet somehow she still has a hidden resolve deep inside her that drives her determination when she has her focus on something. She is very friendly and kind to others as well. [color=ff4d94][b]Quirks:[/b][/color] Bites her lips when she's being shy. Has small compulsions to keep things organized and straight. Sometimes flutters her wings when she's being thoughtful or feeling intense emotions. [color=ff4d94][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Computers, video games, books, iconic legends, loving people, colder climates, and kitties. [color=ff4d94][b]Fears:[/b][/color] Insects (mostly spiders), being alone, being rejected, not being good enough. [color=ff4d94][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] As cliche as it seems, Rose was an orphan for as long as she can remember, growing up in Metropolis. Having developed metahuman qualities from a very young age in the form of dragonfly wings, she was bounced from orphanage to orphanage until finally landing in a specific orphanage catering to metahumans specifically. Having been a natural introvert and mostly been scorned or shunned, she found it alien to be in a place where she was mostly looked at normally. Strangely enough however, even other metachildren seemed to mostly ignore her pass her by except for a girl named Jasmine Moon. Growing up with her best friend, they would often sneak out and just wander about the city or find ways into arcades and play games for hours on end. While Rose started to explore her fire starting abilities, Jasmine was already an expert at her darkness powers, using them for petty theft and generally messing with people and getting Rose to snicker. Though Rose soon discovered a lot of the other kids picked on Jasmine, causing her to start defending her, but she couldn't always be there sadly. As they grew up, they became closer and closer, even to the point where Rose started to develop feelings. However as they got older, Jasmine got more and more wild with her powers to the point where it concerned the fire starter. Eventually, Rose confronted Jasmine with both her feelings and concerns, just wanting the young woman to stay out of trouble and of course - Rose wanted to pursue a relationship with her best friend. The young woman did not take well to the news, mostly upset that her childhood friend wanted to limit her or her powers, having been pushed around her whole life. In a fit, Jasmine disappeared into the night, leaving Rose crying on the ground having been rejected by her love. The fire starter moved on, eventually finding herself in Bludhaven and indulging in mercenary work. Though noticeably compared to most metahuman and human mercenaries, Rose always refused any contract that seemed shady or unhanded, which sadly made it very hard on her financially. Regardless of being officially a mercenary though, a lot of people started calling her [i]'Firefly'[/i] as she acted more like a hero than anything else, despite being paid for her work. Adding on to this, the fact she would go around and help random strangers for no payment at all quickly added her to the [i]'superhero'[/i] roster of the city, though some of the other scoff at her for being related to the local mercenaries, [i]'The Blue Bloods.'[/i] Rose has ignored them, knowing she's only doing it so she can still afford her apartment and food - though she's tried to keep her place as secret as possible. [color=ff4d94][b][u]Powers[/u][/b][/color] • [b]Flight:[/b] Rose has the power of flight via a set of dragonfly wings on her back. She can reach speeds up to 120 miles per hour, but can also fly in nearly any environment within the atmosphere. • [b]Enhanced Endurance:[/b] She has increased endurance, able to take more blows and somewhat resistant to piercing attacks. This extends to being practically immune to pressure changes and windburn. • [b]Enhanced Stamina:[/b] This power includes both highly increased lung efficiency, allowing her to breath normally in thin air, and also lung capacity. Just as well, she has a higher natural energy pool, allowing her to strain herself for longer. • [b]Fire Manipulation:[/b] Rose can create and direct flames in various ways, though it's limited to coming from either her hands or mouth. This is a combination of special glands combined with a discreet sparking method and psychokinesis - which is mostly limited to her own flames. • [b]Fire Resistant:[/b] Naturally, her body is resistant to heat due to how she produces flames, however she can still be burned - it just takes twice the amount of heat, so she is normally able to walk through normal fires. [color=ff4d94][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] Tends to be a quick learner, has really good reaction speeds (not a power), and has experience in super-powered fights. [color=ff4d94][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Her fire ability can be stopped if gagged and bound by fire resistant materials, isn't the best tactician, her flight can be temporarily disabled if her wings are damaged. [color=ff4d94][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Master aerobatic (Can maneuver extremely well with her wings and perform acrobatics in the air), novice martial artist (knows enough to hold her own for a little while), journeyman in stealth (not an expert or master, but certainly better at sneaking into places than most), organizer (natural skill in organizing things, very well). [color=ff4d94][b][u]Rumors[/u][/b][/color] • Some people think Rose is part dragon on some level. • It's often relayed that she seems to spurn the advances of men, probably because she's a lesbian. • Even with her level of control, some people are afraid of her powers, speculating she could set fire to an entire city block. • A lot of people have theories about why she has a heart tattoo on her cheek. The most popular one is because it's from a past lover who was killed.