"Please set your GP Base.... Beginning Plavsky Particle dispersal..... Field 01 Space..... Please Set your Gunpla...." Welcome to the worlds first Gunpla Battle Academy here at this school each of you will learn how to build and battle Gunpla. Our classes include, Building 101-302, Battling 101-302, Gundam History, and many other wonderful classes. Now come along and take your Gunpla Battling to the next level. Alright guys I've been thinking of a way to do a Gundam Build Fighters RP for a while and this seemed like the best way to do it. In the RP we will need to use RNGs and titanpad to make sure everything is both fair and smooth. For starters I would say each player is limited to two characters max that way more people can join if they desire. For those that don't know what Gundam Build Fighters is. [hider=Gundam Build Fighters][url]https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJV1h9xQ7Hx-0WipavLDd3mFSLJL1r2XQ[/url][/hider] and for those who do I was planing on using the tournament system from the season posted above. Also the reason this is called Resonance and not Academy is for two reasons. First: As the series progresses each of our characters will develop a skill that we will call MSR (Mobile Suit Resonance) this is a skill that only occurs in truely intense battles and can grant the user an serious advantage. By seemingly reaching a peak resonance with your Gunpla the performance of the Gunpla increases exponentially but also puts a heavy strain on both the Gunpla and those synchronized with it. Please keep in mind that if you have both a pilot and a builder the both of them will not only be synchronized with the Gunpla but also with each other making the state much harder to achieve and hold for any period of time. (Please note that while I am a College student I have no idea what the highest classes available are so I just threw numbers in that made sense.) [hider=CS Rules:] -You may not use any of the Gunpla from the Gundam Build Fighters or Gundam Build Fighters Try animes. -Your character may not have been a champion or top 16 competitor of any of the World championships prior. -Your Character image may not be any character from any Gundam anime or OVA be creative. Cosplay is okay of course. -Finally Your character may not be from Arian (As cool as it might be) [/hider] [hider= Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Character image should go below name[/i] [img] [/img] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Gunpla[/b] [i]Be sure to follow the rule and lets make things fun shall we? Also please include a list of common weapons your Gunpla will wield[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [i] Characters theme and any other info we may want to know.[/i] [/hider] [hider= Accepted Characters] [@Keyblade87] -> Toshiro Sei-Ken [@Suku] -> Kaname Korukawa [@Demous] -> Sayuri Takashi [/hider]