Kotori - [I]Introduction[/I] A flicker of shadow announced the arrival of her first student, identified as a younger girl out of the corner of her eye. It was unnerving certainly, that the class she had been assigned were full of students barely two or three years younger than herself, but as she understood it, she was nowhere near their peer. So enigmatically, she did not break in her playing of such wondrous music, even as a more rambunctious student joined the fray. She did not even recognize him in any way, even when he called her cute; all she did was continue the melancholy tune which hung almost eerily over the classroom. Not long after, nearly three dozen more poured into the classroom, busily chattering like sparrows in a tree over innumerable topics. Excitement, nervousness, and even arrogance over the upcoming year. Confidence for some, and humility for the latter would need to be instilled, and swiftly. The minute hand found the peak of the eighth hour of the morning, and with it, the playing stopped. With a heavy click, the cover which protected the keys slid back into place, and the chair upon which she sat shuddered loudly in the sudden silence which she wrought by the cessation of her music. Before them all, she stood and steadfastly began the year. "Good Morning," she stated easily with English tainted by a Japanese accent. "My name is Professor Namashiya Kotori, and I will be one of your various instructors this year. The reason you are here, the reason you have been chosen to be allowed on this campus is because each of you possess a rare gift." Striding to the open hallway door, the young professor waved for them to follow her. "We are going outside to the soccer fields for a demonstration this morning, as well as introductions. Please, follow me." Once the classroom fell into file behind her as they casually strolled through the hallways, she continued to speak. "It will be my duty to teach you how to properly maintain and use your abilities, as various as they are, as well as hone them, sharpen them to proficiencies that you might not have ever known." Twin doors snapped open before them all, and sunlight flooded the eyes of all to reveal a meticulously maintained soccer field. Walking out to the center of the field with the class in tow, the little songbird stopped and turned to face the class. "Please, form a semi circle and observe." At first as their teacher stood still, there was seemingly nothing taking place. Abruptly however, two streaks of light passed in between Kotori and the class, starting off slowly at first, they would accelerate to the point that two faintly colored rings of light circled the entire field. While narrowly avoiding one another as they passed in opposing directions. "You will find in my teachings that it is not the largest details that matter, but the most minute. For example, here, I have suspended two Hydrogen atoms in a vacuum in the midair. Atop this, I have also accelerated them to near light speeds in opposing directions as they pass in front of us now. Watch as they collide." Just as their teacher finished the last syllable, there was an nova of light that erupted in front of them to the sound of shattering glass. A powerful burst that quickly succumbed to an invisible force that contained the explosion. Slowly, the brilliantly beautiful display ceased into a singular teardrop of purely black mass. It seemed to wish to devour everything around it, as even the grass wanted to be pulled into its center. "This is antimatter," Kotori began almost apathetically. "The very antithesis of existence on this Earth and all there is. If I relinquish the vacuum that I currently surround it with, the moment it touches any form of matter, even molecules of air, it will erupt into a calamitous explosion that could level a city. This is why we, as Espers and Magi, must hold fast to our responsibility to maintain control." Suddenly, the tiny orb shot skyward, and after a few moments, the sky was filled with a brilliant fireball whose brightness briefly rivaled the sun. Seconds later, the deafening sound of the blast washed over the class in an overwhelming roar that shook the very earth. The wind then arrived, rushing past them and casting their teacher's satin hair to fly about before it settled. "I am a Telekinetic," she stated as the world regained silence outside of the howling of distant car alarms. "I move and manipulate matter as I see fit. That being said, you now can see what the smallest of things can so incredibly accomplish. Both literally and symbolically. We are minuscule within the grand scheme of the universe. But each of us hold incredible potential, with which we can choose to do either good or evil. What you choose to do, is entirely up to you. If you walk with me, I will show you the way how such incredible power helps, rather than harms others." Waving her hand nonchalantly to the side, she then offered the students their own opportunity to shine. "Now each of you, one at a time step forward and introduce yourself. If you would like, you can demonstrate your individual talent for not only me, but your classmates to see as well." (Finished!)