Back in Troas, Serah was drawing some heavy breaths inside of Atty as she felt the plasma of those Cruxi War Machines pounding against the barrier wing, even feeling the heat on her right arm. [color=00aeef]"[i]I know you're suffering... I'm sorry![/i]"[/color] Serah mentally scolded herself for getting AA-XOTRY into this situation in the first place, with barely any grasp on the situation. The firing calmed down after a little while, presumably for the reload. Still, there was a Tentacle Beast coming at her from the left, with some frightening speed behind it. Serah had a few seconds to assess the situation. Atty was completely in the yellow by this point, and in case of the barrier wings, a frightening orange. Her core was rapidly running out of energy to feed the plasma blade and her armor was starting to melt away, alongside her blade's overcharge slowly breaking that down as well. Her cameras were staticky but functional, though Yaeger and Magus were out of a clear point of view. [color=00aeef]"[i]Augh, you two...! Please be safe...[/i]"[/color] The girl was starting to worry for her comrades, but she had a... situation of her own to deal with. Eiswolf was still behind Atty, which was good. Serah was going to need Sigma for this one. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry to ask so much of you, but please cover my side and run!"[/color] The blue haired girl wasn't even dishing out orders at this point, it sounded more like a plea for help. She came up with a split-second plan, and it was quite the doozy. Serah tried her best to evade fire from the Cruxi as she rushed forward to them, dashing up behind the building they were hiding behind. [color=00aeef]"[i]...Are there civilians in there...? I really hope not...[/i]"[/color] Some doubt started to creep up in the girl's mind, but she couldn't give it any more thought right now. If she got distracted now, she was as good as dead. Once Serah got next to one of the Cruxi she took a split second to scan for the other one. Fortunately, it was withing line of sight. The plasma blade Atty wielded was still dangerously overcharges and on the verge of melting, but Serah had a plan for it. Or she hoped she did anyway. With one mighty swing of the blade, Serah attempted to both slice through the Cruxi War Machine and then send an overcharged sickle of plasma in the direction of the other one, within the same swing. The problem was that she would be left without any charge on her plasma blade and it'd take another good chunk out of her energy reserves, so this was definitely risky... but necessary. If all else failed, she still had her busted up Barrier wing as a last resort. It wouldn't hold out much, but it should buy her enough time for the blade to recharge.