Behind the mask an evil sneer adorned his face, there wasn't a single thought of retreat or a peaceful solution to his weapon hunt. "A miracle should be your only hope past this point, old man." He almost paused when the realization he was about five times this man's age. "I need this road, this isn't a child's fancy. I'm not looking for some title or status, I need your weapon." The single eye of his darted to the guns on his hip, they were almost perfect mirrors of eachother though one was clearly darker. Again his eye shifted focus towards the shaking left hand and he makeshift pistol he held, he didn't know how well he'd be able to move his arm. "It's sundown, my back is to the sun. I have the high ground. You should lay your gun down so I may kill you faster." A tumbleweed danced across the ground between them followed by a little dust devil that played in little spinning motions. The three free fingers he had on his left flexed and clutched the grip of his handgun. "Otherwise we'll do this the old fashioned way." It was obvious that both parties would play this by hand, they would make their count and draw. It was unlikely, however, that either party would fall to the other's first shot. These two men weren't normal men by any stretch. Shin himself was readied, his right foot leading and his left held far behind.Without much else in the way of preparation he began counting in his head. [i]Ten.[/i] [i]Nine.[/i] [i]Eight.[/i]