[@Vilageidiotx] I know what you mean, and I understand why the Left thinks the way it does. Generally speaking, I do consider myself to be left-wing. However, I do think that the left is fulfilling their own prophecy. The hyper anti-racism mentality in Europe, that is informing supremely lax immigration policies, is only creating more and more racial tension and disenfranchised white people, which is just fueling the fire for actual Fascists, Nazis, and white supremacists. Out of fear of the Right, they've swung so far to the Left that they're actually making Neo-Nazis look like the more reasonable choice to a lot of people. Likewise, I genuinely believe that Trump is a monster of the Left's creation. If they didn't push so hard, and so far, with immigration, with affirmative action, with economic globalization, with race hyper-awareness, with social justice education in school, with gender quotas, with language policing, they wouldn't have alienated so many people. They wouldn't have pushed so many people into Trump's camp, simply because he's SOMEHOW become the safer, more reasonable option. If Billy-Bob wasn't homeless, because Chinese immigration and overseas housing speculation made housing prices so high that he can't even afford to rent, he wouldn't be voting for Trump. If Jenny-Jane hadn't gone 10 years without a raise, because Mexican guest-workers are willing to work just as hard for minimum wage, she wouldn't be voting for Trump. If Jamisonson Pennyworth wasn't blocked from attending the university of his dreams, because they were required to accept more women and minorities instead, even though their grades were lower than his, he wouldn't be voting for Trump. If Marko Stromboulopoulos wasn't banned from Facebook and Twitter for protesting against Islam's treatment of women, he wouldn't be voting for Trump. If Brock Logan wasn't fired from his job, simply because word got around that he was upset his daughter was dating a black man, he wouldn't be voting for Trump. And if all these people were allowed to say what their problems were, without being called "racists", they wouldn't be voting for Trump. I think if people really wanted to stop the rise of Nazism, and Fascism, and wanted to prevent an actual race-war, they'd stop being such giant, totalitarian pussies. I know Marxists, Racists, Sexists, Nazis, Feminists, Christian fundamentalists, Sikh fundamentalists, Jews, Buddhists, black and white South Africans, and even a Satanist, and they're all completely reasonable people... so long as nobody is stepping on their toes and getting in the way of their day-to-day life. It's when you threaten them, and vilify them, and set up systems to silence and restrain them, that they start organizing and actually hurting people. Edit: And violence is already illegal. The policy of making the punishment significantly worse, simply because the race of the two parties is different ("hate-crimes"), only serves to make people more and more hyper-aware of racial differences. If you want people to stop paying attention to race, stop talking about race all the damn time!