[sub]My experience with three people tell me that I cannot like an [color=7edff6][b]Aquarius[/b][/color] beyond skin deep, because they're like mermaids to me and I'm a Pegasus. We clash too much when we know each other more than civility. As a [color=ed1c24][i][b]Scorpio[/b][/i][/color], I enjoyed relationships with [b][color=8dc73f]Taurus[/color][/b] and [color=7bcdc8][b]Capricorns[/b][/color], which usually lasted for half a year (and that's amazing because I lose hope or desire by the third week, usually). I can't [color=f26522][b]Aries[/b][/color]. I. Can't. Aries. They're hot, they're sexy, and they make me wanna straddle them and KNOCK THEIR LIGHTS OUT WITH A FIST. [b][color=fff79a]Leos[/color][/b] I met put me off because they're so defensive and, sometimes, arrogant. One of them got batshit angry at me for not standing at his side when he was arguing with our mutual friend [s]since I was his "baby girl"[/s] over an offensive comment HE made. Gee wiz! Never dated a [color=bc8dbf][b]Libra[/b][/color] until my current boyfriend (he's October 18th, and I'm October 24th - same year). He's a sweetheart who greets me everyday at midnight to welcome a new day, answers all my questions, gives me my me-time when I just need space alone, and worldbuilds with me after I tell him my odd dreams that spawned weird RP ideas. He also beta reads my stuff and gives candid, honest feedback. He [i]also[/i] has a fat cat, so that's +++ points with me. We met here, and hit it off by exchanging ghost stories. He said he read my intcheck thrice, and, even though my plots were not his usual go-to, he felt like trying. It wasn't later on that we found out we're only two hours of flight away from each other. It wasn't even [i]later[/i] on that I realised we were born in the same year, same month, and signed up for Guild on the same day. He wrote me a letter while he was in some jungle infantry training (he's a soldier) a few weeks ago. It was PINK AND PERFUMED. My DAD was the one who passed it to me. God. Damn. I would like to say that Libras are cute mofo lovers who will pamper you and listen to you VERY WELL (he remembers even my offhand comments!), even if they're not very assertive or straightforward. Darn their duality. Luckily, I'm a Libra-Scorpio cusp, so [i]I dig![/i][/sub]