Hello, I am interested in this roleplay. I just started on this site, so I don't fully know what I'm doing so far. Here is my CS that a friend of mine helped me make! [hider=Cassandra] [center][color=springgreen][h1]Cassandra[/h1][/color][/center] [color=springgreen]Age:[/color] 27 years old [color=springgreen]Personality:[/color] A caring, honest, and genuinely sweet girl with a soft voice to match. She mostly keeps to herself, being as shy as she is, though she is fearless and never turns down invitations to social activities or even a fight to defend those she cares about, despite her distaste for fighting and violence. Would never ever pick a fight, but wouldn't ever back down from one if someone she cared about was being hurt. [color=springgreen]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Picture Descriptions][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjMkPpVUUAAOVUY.jpg[/img][img]https://65.media.tumblr.com/1f25ae1f11caa948ade4f3cac53e6bce/tumblr_o5aym3aEWB1ulhfooo1_1280.png[/img][/hider] Standing at 5'6", chubby in the most adorable way possible with a nice figure. Long, dark brown hair with brilliant green eyes. Prefers to wear skirts, dresses, clothes of all range of colors, and flowery designs, and is rarely ever seen in pants or even shorts. [color=springgreen]Likes:[/color] [List] [*]Candles [*]Picnics [*]Fruits [*]Flowers [*]Movies [*]Games [*]Receiving gifts [*]Oatmeal raisin cookies [*]Cuddles with anyone [/list] [color=springgreen]Dislikes:[/color] [list] [*]Wearing pants [*]People who are mean [*]Sports [*]Physical activity [*]Fighting [/list] [color=springgreen]Sexuality:[/color] Pansexual/Polyamorous [color=springgreen]Bio:[/color] Cassandra had worked at a coffee shop near her college where, at the time, she met a 19 year old woman named Duniva who was attending the same college. Duniva became a regular at the shop and the two became quick friends and soon became lovers. The two are still together and love each other very much, even three years later. Cassandra saw the marriage experiments that were being conducted and found a great interest in them. Upon bringing it up with her girlfriend, Cassandra decided to get into it under the consent of Duniva. Perhaps she would be married off to either a sweet guy or girl. Or possibly a jerk. Under any circumstances, Cassandra knew she would more than be able to handle it and awaited the results effervescently. [/hider]