So um this is actually an original character from an original setting because I am lame like that but hey. ^^; Hope that's fine. [hider=Jolokia] [list][*]Name: Jolokia Anaheim [*]Age: 32. However, in Masalan terms she is still a child, and compared to a human she is physically 16. A somewhat underdeveloped 16 at that. [*]Appearance: [url=]The dreaded Ghost Naga.[/url] [url=]Mugshot[/url] by a better artist! [*]World of Origin: Theia, an original fantasy setting. [*]Powers/Equipment: Jolokia is a highly skilled swordswoman, practicing a style that emphasizes swift strikes and almost blinding speed. She wields a non-magical yet mastercrafted sword forged of Turillium Steel, making it many times more durable than regular steel and insanely sharp. In her idiocy, she has named this weapon [i]"Mr. Bungle"[/i]. Whilst there is considerable power behind her strikes (she is somewhat stronger than her slight frame would suggest), speed is far more important to her style; she forgoes armour as it would just encumber and slow her down, although her natural durability helps make up for this a little bit. Her race, the Masalans, are also inherently magical. Jolokia, however, is an idiot and thus can only use simple spells like tiny sparks of fire; the one more advanced spell she knows simply allows her to swing her sword so fast it creates sonic booms... Although whether she actually realizes this is a spell is unknown. Other than her swordsmanship, her only other notable skill is her cooking. She is a surprisingly accomplished cook despite how dense she is, really. [*]Brief Backstory: Jolokia is a Masalan, a race who are rumoured to be descended from demons and other magical beings, resulting in their pointed ears and mildly pronounced canine teeth. Growing up in the rural south of Asteri (one of the more notable countries in Theia), she never really wanted to be a rancher like her parents were, and so as soon as she could she bid them farewell and left to achieve her dream of becoming the world's greatest swordswoman! ...Really, the only things of note about her past are that she was taken in by a great swordmaster who taught her the ways of the blade, and is currently off on a journey to apply her training and improve her skills. She's... A very simple person with simple goals and a simple background, really. [*]Personality: To put it simply, Jolokia is kind of dumb. She is as gullible and naive as an innocent child, and her almost perpetual gormless smile does nothing to dispel this image. In social situations she is rather hyperactive and babbles on a lot about random topics, especially swords. She likes swords. She [i]really[/i] likes swords. And she is very, [i]very[/i] good with swords. Whilst an airheaded goofball most of the time, once she enters battle Jolokia is a cool and composed figure, analysing her opponents as she waits to make swift, decisive strikes. The change can be quite jarring, really. Swordplay is her life, and she is constantly trying to improve herself; there is nothing Jolokia loves more than meeting a strong opponent to test her skills on, aside from maybe a shiny new sword. Despite her love of combat, Jolokia is no bloodthirsty monster; she is staunchly good at heart, and the one way to get her angry is to abuse and mistreat good people, especially her friends. [*]Other: [/list] [/hider]