[@LeeRoy] [i]Zande swaggered into view out of the flat darkness, like an apparition. He waved at the window, yellow teeth glinting dimly from behind the seared steel of an intimidating mask strapped to his head. He was waving with a battleaxe big enough to make a Foreman grill out of. A second axe of similar size hung from his other hand at his side. The foreigner was tall, likely taller than most people in this country figured a man had a right to be. How scary! Surely with-[/i] [color=fff200]"'EY BWANA! Ya seen da bad bwoy I 'sposed ta be meetin'? I gadda kill 'em so I become popyalar an' den ged all da white wimmins ta pway hide da snake in da jungle brush."[/color] [i]He talked not only like an illiterate youth, but also surpassed every offensive stereotype known to men both black and white. Was he some sort of quasi-hipster? Did he even know what he sounded like? Who the hell in their right mind ran around not only dual wielding weapons, but weapons of such unwieldy size? Why am I asking YOU all these questions!?[/i] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4rdmemCNz1qzzxaqo1_500.png[/img] [i]Obviously, the only possible response to this situation was to jump out the window and challenge this racially offensive, culturally subversive amalgam of all things related to black people and jungles.[/i]