[center][h1][color=FFA500]Nate[/color][/h1][/center] When the two dragons reached a door they stopped and the black one looked back at Nate, "now is the time we separate you two for a few minutes. Not even." Nate looked over at a horrified looking Allan and was the first to speak up. "We go in together." "I told you it wouldn't work." The burgundy one hisses at the other then looks more gentle as he glances to Allan. "There's nothing wrong dearie, I'll be out here with you and make sure nothing happens." When the dragon notices Allan wasn't changing his expression she sighs and looks at the black dragon, "just let them both in. Nothing will change with the outcome." With a sigh from the black dragon he opens the door with his tail. "In that case we're not needed here. I hope you enjoy your stay here." Before Nate or Allan knew it the two dragons flew away and the sight before them was immense. There were eggs. Many, many eggs and none of them were the average sized ones in the store. No, these eggs were much bigger. Nate watched as his mesmerized twin walks forward as if he was following an unseen path when he felt a slight pull in the other direction and starts walking towards it. Nate stops in front of an egg that was black with a blue lightning spiral around it. He gently picks it up when it starts to crack. Nervous, Nate looks around to see if anyone saw what was happening but when he heard a voice he calmed down. "Xalanth." Nate looked back down at the egg to see that the shell had broken off and a small bundle of black with blue tips and a tail was laying in his arms. When the wings spread out he noticed the body of the small creature was blue. "Xalanth," Nate repeated the name he heard in his head and instantly the baby dragon looked up at him, making a small noise of happiness. When he hears his brother call over to him he chuckles a little to himself. [center][h1][color=ff0000]Allan[/color][/h1][/center] When the two dragons initially said Nate and Allan would need to be separated Allan was terrified. He didn't sign up for that at all. The red haired boy blanked out the whole time the dragons spoke among each other and before he knew it they were gone and he got a good look at what was behind the door. At the sight of the many eggs his fear vanished and was changed to a feeling of awe and another feeling of being gently pulled. Before he knew it he was walking in the direction of a dirt coloured egg. Upon reaching it he picked up the egg almost instantly and heard one word be spoken. "Soreth" it said and he felt the egg warm up almost instantly. Cracks started to form and before Al knew it a small rust brown dragon was laying curled up in his arms. It made a cooing noise which made Allan nearly squeal in delight. "Dragons...Nate, there are actual dragons here! I'm holding a baby dragon right now this is the best day ever!"